Hit me, Cupid!

505 20 3

Author: NicAthena

Status: ongoing

Chapters : 14


Being shot by cupid straight to the heart while I was studying wasn't the best life-changing moment. Instead, it was the opposite. Cupid himself accidentally shot the other arrow to me and to his own stupid heart -- sealing both our fates.


Honestly, I didn't know what story should I choose to review for this amazing author, but then I thought that I could later review another one of her books. 

Now, this story is one of the most amazing, refreshing stories I have ever read. She has an amazing way to write these cute, and hilarious lines. Everything is almost perfect!! You have to read this if you love cupid-like stories, where it's romantic with a slightest bit of fantasy, and humor. 

Things I like about this: 

I like it because the MCs are funny, and they react almost naturally. I love how the female MC isn't so jealous, I mean I sometimes understand when you have to get jealous, but I always hate that they put the female MC as the jealous type of person and then she does something that is utterly stupid. But Ceecee isn't overly nice, and not overly bad or stupid [as most people like to make their MC.]

Favorite Character:

It's hard to choose, but I think that I like Ceecee the most,  though she is sometimes really weak, and just shut up when someone of her family insults her. But either way I still like her ;3

Rate: 9.8/10

Why: Prefection is written all over the story, yet there is this stupid side inside of me, telling me that I can't give it 10/10. Actually, I don't think that I can ever give a book on wattpad ten out of ten since i'm so picky, and there are no perfect book around here. [just sayin']

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