Girl With The Fire In Her Heart

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Look at you. You're so bright. Stop apologising for all the people who couldn't stay. Your words don't belong to them anymore. You feel so much, and that's why I love you. You take the time to wonder. You take the time to set yourself free and I wish I was more like you. I'm so glad that you chose to share your good and your bad with me.  Don't ever aspire to be perfect. I don't get along with people who are perfect and I don't write my words for people who are perfect. You have fought so many battles, and still, you see the good and the pure. You are extraordinary. And I love you for all the times you have made me feel not so alone, and I wrote this for you.  I hope you take it on all your adventures and keep it as a reminder to write your heart out. Because only the free know how to capture the beauty of life and I want to read all about it when you come back.

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