Be Safe

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They say home is where the heart is. But you haven't been home in awhile. Things aren't the same anymore, the couch isn't worn down, and there aren't any coffee stains on the tables. There's no one else here to love, not the ones you remember. You've been on so many journeys, and it's okay if home is no longer where your heart is. Because you have gone places, you have met people, and you've left pieces of this heart like a trail in the night. And that is all right. You are all right.



Happy Holidays to you and your family! 2016 has been rather preposterous. But I guess life will always give us something to whine about. I hope the new year is a breath of fresh air for all of us. Celebrate each other, give love, give kindness, be compassionate and take care.

Lots of peace and love to you,

Rythma x

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