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The Eldar are an ancient race who once dominated the Galaxy but are now few in number.  While the Eldar are capable of interbreeding with humans they are not along the same evolutionary chain having evovled seperatly from humanity.   At a glance most would classify Eldar as Near-humans however this a mistake. Superficially, the Eldar appear very similar to humans, though they are generally taller and slimmer, with sharp features and pointed ears. They are long-lived by human standards, and most will live more than a thousand years unless they die from accident or disease. Eldar also have much faster metabolic rates than humans, and their cardiac and neurological systems are more advanced. These traits manifest in their vastly heightened reactions and agility compared to humans.   The Eldar also experince emotions on an entirely seperate level from humans with greater intesity.  They are also known to more frequently produce psykers than almost any other race save for the Protoss.
Thousands of years ago the Eldar ruled the galaxy with a great empire spanning across the stars.  Using their complex webway network they were able to travel between worlds without the need of starships.  Their technology and culture was beyond anything any other species in space could achieve.
The Eldar grew proud and vain however, seeking out new thrills and ways to amuse themselves.  Their advance technology had removed almost any need for regular labor giving them limitless free time to explore their darker and baser nature.  Vile cults began to rise, acts of hedonism and depravity that leave one speechless were preformed.  
Some saw the dangers of this new path but went unheeded.  They consructed the great craftworlds to trade between their empire and escape the debauchery of their kin.  Others went even further, forsaking technology on far flung worlds well away from the sadisism and cruelty of their homeworlds, these new colonies were known as the Maiden worlds.
At last however the Eldar went to far.  In their debauchery and wicked deeds they gave birth to a new chaos god within the warp, Slaanesh.  Slaanesh's birth tore the great hole in real space known today as the Eye of Terror which consumed the Eldar home worlds and brought an end to their empire.  Slaanesh destroyed almost all of the Eldar Gods all save Khaine who was shattered into many fragments, Isha who was taken by Nurgle but later saved by the God Emperor, and Cegorah who escaped into the Webway.  Slaanesh claimed ownership of the  souls of all Eldar.
The Eldar as a species survived but were greatly changed.  Many of their Craftworlds were clear of the Eye of Terror but a few were caught in its wake and trapped.  On the Maiden worlds many more survived but over time some began to change become near Eldar rather than proper Eldar.  Still others escaped into the Webway and became the vile Dark Eldar, raiding and continuing the same acts of evil that caused the Fall. This is jack here logoff have a good night.

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