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The Asari were the first species of the modern cycle to discover the Citadel.  Asari are long lived monogender race, they have natural biotics, and can interbreed with any known race, the offspring of such unions will always be Asari however.  They are also considered attractive by almost every known race in the galaxy, with the exception of the Eldar.
The Asari evolved on Thesia, their development secretly manipulated by the Protheans with the intention of uniting the races of the galaxy against the Reaper threat.  The Protheans even left the Asari a functioning beacon with massive amounts of information that were deemed nessecary to defeat the Reapers.  The Asari however ignored the warning about Reapers and instead kept the beacon a secret, using its information to develop rapidly with the most advanced technology in the galaxy.  
The Asari are natural diplomats helping to found the Citadel Council with the Salarians and later the Turians and Humans.  The Asari were frequently the compromisers of the Council, valued for their wisdom and experince.   Their diplomatic abitilies have stopped countless conflicts including the relay 314 incident or as some call it the First Contact War.
The Asari have one of the most advanced cultures in the Galaxy with Thesia having more theaters, museums, art galleries, libraries, parks, and fine restruants than any other planet in the galaxy.  They frequently have a keen interest in new species and cultures further helping their diplomatic role.
Some however see the Asari as arrogant or self absorbed Elitests.  This ego can sometimes make them difficult to work with or lead them to dangerously underestimate a threat.    
As warriors the Asari are informal, relying mostly on small militia's for defense.  Many of these small squads however are as dangerous as whole battalions of other armies being skilled a sabotage and stealth warfare.  Their own fleet was massive with some of the most advanced ships in the galaxy.  During the Reaper war however this force was no where near strong enough to halt the Reaper invasion of jack logoff here have a good night

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