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The Salarians are a warm blooded amphibous species native to the world of Sur'kesh with a hyper active metabolism.  The Salarians are short lived but make up for it with keen intellects and fast mouths.  The Salarians were the second species to join the Citadel Council alongside the Asari.
The Salarians are brillant scientists, doctors, researchers, investigators, and spies.  Their Special Tasks Group, or STG, was used as the model for the Council Specters.  The Salarians believe that information and science are their best weapons against a hostile galaxy, they often win their wars before the enemy even knows the fighting has started.
The Salarian's brilliance has created more than its fair share of problems however.  It was the Salarians who unleashed the insectoid rachni upon the galaxy resulting in a massive war.  The Salarians then uplifted the Krogan to defeat the Rachni only for the Krogan to expand to rapidly and start yet another war.  The Salarians developed the Genophage which was used by the Turians to end the Krogan Rebellions.  The Genophage was not cured until the Reaper War.
During the Reaper war the Salarians were caught on the back foot and began to panick, survival instincts kicking in.  The Salarians provided limited support to the allied fleet until Commander Shepard saved their Councilor from a Cerberus Coup.  Sur'Kesh was never invaded properly by the Reapers though several colonies were devastated. This is jack here logoff have a good night.

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