'' I don't want harry to have to worry about me its not fair on him...I don't want to worry anyone matter of fact.'' Liam sits down next to me '' Louis, we are your friends...your family. Its okay to let your guard down around us.''

''Your father died! of course you're not going to be okay, and that's okay. No one is asking you to keep strong, all we want for you is to know we are here for you and that you can let it all out to us.'' Liam finishes and in the end I have tears running down my face and I nod sniffling a bit. ''come here.'' Liam says and he pulls me to his side and i try my hardest not to cry, but I fail miserably at it.

''come, on let it out.'' Liam says rubbing my back. So I do, it let it all out to Liam the tears, anger, everything I want to say and he listened. '' Thank you for opening up to me louis.'' Liam says gently and all I do is nod and hold onto him.

''Why don't we get you back home yeah?'' Liam says and I dont even answer so he helps me out of the tree house and puts me in the car and drives us back to our home. Yes our home, I guess I forgot to mention a while ago that liam now either lives with me or niall, its a back and forth kind of thing.

Liam pulls up into the drive way and i thank him before getting out of the car and walking inside and going straight to my bedroom where i expected harry to be, but no. Liam soon comes in after me and i get changed into my pajamas and we lay on my bed.

''Do you know where our boyfriends are?'' i ask and he shakes his head and pulls out his phone ''but i will ask mine.'' he says with a smirk and we goes to Nialls contact which is 'Babe' and the picture is of liam kissing nialls cheek.

''hey babe'' Liam says with a stupid smirk and I laugh and he shoves me, but i continue to laugh. ''It's just louis being a prick.'' liam says laughing a little. '' I just wanted to know where everyone was'' Liam says and chews on his lip and he smiles.

''wow that's cool, bring me some cotton candy? okay love you too, bye.'' With that Liam hangs up the phone and sighs with that same 'stupid in love' smile. ''So, what did love bird two say?'' i say and he snaps out of what ever he was thinking.

''oh, zayn took them all to the carnival. nialls gonna bring us back some carnival food though, its going to be great.'' liam says and I cheer sitting up. '' I just wanna see harry, i feel better now and...well i need to see him.'' I say and liam pats my back.

''they'll be home in about an hour though, so you wont have to wait for long.'' he says in a teasing tine and I shove him and he falls off the bed, but pulls me down with him. We both groan and I roll off from on top of him and hold my stomach.

''are you boys okay?'' Anne says walking in and looks down to see us on the floor and she sighs and helps us up. '' I'm not even going to ask why, I'm just going to say that dinner is done, and...be more careful.'' we both nod and she leads us down stairs and makes us sit at the table.

''hey where is Edward?'' i ask and she smiles ''out on a date.'' I spit out my soda and she gasps ''louis please!'' Anne says and goes and grabs a towel to clean it up. ''sorry I'm just...shocked that he's dating, not in the bad way though!'' I say quickly.

Anne nods and says '' i know, it took some time, but he decided maybe this guy would be the right one. they've been talking for about a month and a half and after getting to know him, he decided he would try to make something happen. its quite sweet if you ask me.'' Anne says and i smile and nod, agreeing with her.

''Liam dear, eat your green beans.'' Anne says ''um...im good.'' Anne looks up and gives him the looks and he quickly eats a spoon full and smiles. I laugh and say '' Anne, the mother for all.'' and she looks at my plate and says ''why are you talking? you still have your green beans to eat as well.'' now liam laughs and I glare at him and eat my veggies.


"so...You sure you wanna watch with movie wiht us?'' Anne just nods and liam and I give each other knowing looks. We're about to watch Project X, it seems like a movie Anne wouldn't really be into.

*after the movie*

"Are you serious?'' " of course i am'' liam and i start dying as Edward is in the corner wishing he didnt exist. Anne has been telling us stories of when she was a teenager, making me and liam laugh our asses off.

"we're home!'' the boys yell walking in and i rush over to harry and sweep him into the air and spin us around getting a squeal out of him and I plant a nice big kiss on his lips before setting the blushing boy down.

'' Well, you seem to be doing better.'' he says and I nod and give him an actual kiss.''yep, after i talked and let it all out to liam I-'' ''wait, you talked to liam?'' harry says, his smile fading away from his face. ''um yeah, why?'' i ask and he just looks down.

''you just told me you needed to do this alone, but you talked with liam...'' harry says and I get confused. ''harry why are you getting hurt by this?'' I ask and he sighs and looks up to me and says ''I just feel like...you don't trust me now.'' he says and now its my turn to get hurt.

''and why do you think that?'' i ask and harry says '' well you went to liam instead of me after i constantly tried helping you.'' harry says and I start getting a bit annoyed ''liam came to me okay? why are you being to dramatic about this?'' I ask crossing my arms and he squints his eyes at me.

''maybe cause all i wanted was to help my boyfriend get better, but apparently he doesn't trust me enough to help him through this.'' harry shoots back at me and I glare at him. ''Look harry i was gonna go through this alone, but then liam came and I got it out, stop being a whiney baby about all of this.'' I say and go to grab his hand but he snatches it back.

''harry why are you acting like this!?'' I say raising my voice a bit. ''Sorry that I'm hurt that my boyfriend doesn't trust me enough to let me help him through this!'' he says raising his voice as well. ''I feel like I cant trust you like before now...'' he says more calmly and i scoff.

''oh really? why don't you just go back to greg huh? get you someone to fuck around with for a while again!'' I yell and he glares at me. ''that was low louis and you know it! i was just talking about how this hurt me and you had to bring that into it!?'' he yells some more at me.

'' oh shut up! I was actually in a good mood for once, but then you cam here and dragged it back down again. now I wish you didn't come home!'' I yell at him and he laughs. ''This is so stupid! Im so sorry that i just wanted to help!'' he screams at me.

'' Why would i want it!? you hated my father! how could you have possibly helped!? you just wanted to come in and be a big hero, well you're not a fucking hero harry, you're far from it!'' I scream in his face and he just glares at me.

" I just wanted my boyfriend home so i could be happy with him, but instead a dramatic cry baby came home.'' i say and he roll his eyes. '' I'm so done with this! ive tried being a good boyfriend, ive been here for you even when you didn't want it, i supported you, for what?! This!? I've fought with you too many times to deal with this any more. I'm done louis!'' he says, but yells the last part in my face. he goes to storm past me , but I grab is wrist and stop him.

'' harry will you just fucking stop this?'' I growl at him and he snatches his arm back. '' you didn't want me apart of this so I wont be apart of this then. go fix your own god damn self'' he growls back. ''you are unbelievable!'' I yell at him. '' no louis! what is unbelievable is how incredibly stupid you are! I just wanted to help, but you had to be such a prick about it. sorry i was hurt, but you know it was hurtful of you not to talk to me but to liam. So why don't you fix it yourself like you wanted to so bad?'' harry finishes and I just stare at him.

I go grab my shoes, keys and hoodie before storming out of the house. ignoring all the yells behind me I get into my truck and I drive away. away from the house, this town...anywhere away from here.

Did you lock the door? *UP FOR REVISIONS*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt