chapter 22

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Louis truck

(Louis p.o.v)

I wake up the next morning and feel the drytear stains on my cheeks. I look up and see liam still sleeping so i just lay my head back down on his chest and sigh.

All i could dream about is what i saw last night, i thought that i'd at least waking up feeling a bit better, but i feel worse.

I feel the tears roll down my cheeks and i clentch my eyes shut trying to stop the tears. When i open my eyes i see edward looking at me with concern in his eyes.

''Louis are you okay?'' He whispers and i just shake my head. I dont have the energy to lie to anyone, i mean i bet i look like shit and they wouldnt believe me anyways.

''Do you wanna talk about it?'' He whispers and i shake my head again. ''Dont want to wake liam?'' He asks and i nod and he sighs''okay, well im here, just know that'' he says and walks away.

Soon enough liam wakes up and i look up at him ''how'd you sleep?'' I ask. ''I slept fine, how about you?'' He asks and i stay silent and he rubs my back.

We sit up and i just feel drained and i let my head drop on his shoulder. ''I feel drained, empty'' i say and he sighs ''here lets go get something for you to drink and eat'' liam says.

He helps me up and helps me to the kitchen since i can barley walk. I sit at the island and liam hands me a water bottle and i drink some out of it.

Suddenly i hear giggleing and i know its him i turn and see harry and greg walking in holding hands. Harrys wearing gregs shirt since its big on him and greg is whispering in his ear and harry is giggling.

I turn back around and look at liam and he gives me a sympathetic look. ''Oh hi guys'' harry says sitting down next to me and i stiffen.

'' hey harry, how are you?'' Liam asks ''im amazing liam, how are you?'' He asks. ''Im good'' he says and i just continue to look down at the counter.

'' louis are you okay?'' Harry asks putting a hand on my shoulder and i just shrug it off. ''Whats his problem?'' Greg asks and i shakily get up.

''Louis?'' Liam says but i go as fast as i can out of the house and i pull my car keys out of my pocket and i get in my truck and lock the door.

''Louis open the door'' liam says but i shake my head ''louis come on'' he says but i stay silent.

''Louis....i know it hurts, but you cant just run away from it, its going to be here whether you like it or not'' liam says and i look over to him.

Behind him i see harry looking at me in concern and i feel a tear slip down my cheek. '' i like him so much liam, i know its more than like, but i just cant say it'' I say still looking at harry.

''Louis, i know it hurts for you to hear this, but you fucked up and you lost him. Hes in love with some one else now, you lost your chance. But please, please dont let it ruin you'' liam says and i look at him and let the tears roll down my cheeks.

I look over to harry one more time and hes talking to edward and i see a loce bite on his neck and i look at the stering wheel.

''Im sorry'' i say and start the truck and i speed out of the driveway and drive off. I have no clue where im going but i just need tobe gone.

I dont know where or for how long, but i just need to be gone for a while to clear my head.


When i finally stop driving the sun is setting and im almost on empty. I go to a gas station to get gas, thank god i have my wallet.

When i enter i decide to get a couple snacks as well ''um mister?'' I look down to a little girl next to me. ''Why dont you have shoes on?'' She asks and i look down and notice im not wearing any shoes just sucks.

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