Wrongful Lust | 33

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"oh well you can hang with my friends and I" I suggested

"your friends don't like me" He chuckled

"no, Dom doesn't like you, and if my guess is right he probably won't show"

"aight lets get ready, Emerson says a plumber just got there. basically people are starting to come" Damien said walking back in

"does he actually think you don't know?" I asked

"my friend is kinda slow, you need to forgive him"

"kinda?" Dillon snorted

Damien shot him a look then walked away with his face still covered in the face mask. I got up and followed him to our room, where he was struggling to get the rest of the mask off.

"here let me help"

I grabbed the ends of it and slowly started to peel it but soon got a lazy and ripped it all off.

"what the fuck Adonis!" He yelped

"oh shutup that wasn't so bad, anyways what you wearin?" I asked going through the bag of stuff we bought at the mall

"probably just a nike tech with the tech sweats" He responded as he walked towards the closet

"sweats? so people can look at the print of our dick? I think not"

"oh our dick huh?" He asked with a smirk

"yes its ours, now let's get dressed please" I said pulling out some clothes


"Surprise!" Everyone yelled as we walked in

"a party...for me?" Damien asked trying to look as surprised as possible

Everything after that was too fast. A group of Damien's friends pulled him away from us leaving just me and Dillon until India and Tyler got here.

"Dom really didn't come huh?" I asked

"I don't even wanna think about his bullshit" India said rolling her eyes

"I'm gonna go get something to drink, help me out Dillon" Tyler said signalling Dillon to follow him

I guess Dillon picked up on it because he got up and followed

"now what's going on with you, I know it's not only because he's been distant?" I asked as soon as they were gone

"Adonis he's my bestfriend and I can't even get him to talk to me about what's going on with him. I just want to help but he keeps shutting me out" She said staring in between her legs

"first of all, he's our bestfriend. and secondly, is that all that he is to you, because sometimes it's hard for me to believe that"

"nigga I have a whole girlfriend"

"you and Nikki still dating, I haven't heard about her in a minute" I said shocked

"yeah well the bitch has been getting me tight recently, her ex tried to hit me with some bull and when we started to get into an argument Nikki was taking her side. why is it always the exes?" She sighed

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