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I had determined early on in college about the certain trends in my life. If something bad happened in the morning, it would continue throughout the day. This also applied to having good days, but today was one of the bad days.

Waking up at 8:50 for my 9:15 class across campus was not in my plans for this morning, especially considering it was raining so hard outside that it was on the brink of being a mini hurricane.

DC had become home after getting into Georgetown 3 years ago, and I'm currently starting my junior year. I wish I could say it had been a nice start, but that would be a complete lie. After a chaotic year, and a chill summer, I thought this year would've been somewhat seldom.

As soon as I got to campus, things went back to being as chaotic as they were in sophomore year filled with school club events, internship searching, and getting back into the groove of classes after lounging around all summer. Don't get me wrong, I had been doing research and had a small marketing internship for a startup, but I was so focused on figuring out my career path after realizing I didn't want to pursue a career in finance anymore, but something in working on public policy and advocating for non-profits.

Back to my late start, I had missed the 10 alarms that Layla unfortunately suffers through every morning while I tried to wake up for my US Congress class that I had been anxiously waiting to attend. Layla and I had been best friends since she moved to my hometown during 2nd grade. Since then, we've been stuck at the hip going to the same schools, even ending up at the same college (thankfully).

As I tried to get up, somehow manage to pull myself together with an outfit and makeup look that showed I still had some grace, I grabbed my HSLOT  bottle, my backpack, and made it out the door with my AirPods blasting my favorite songs off of Harry's House when I realized I forgot my umbrella.

Realizing I had no time to get it, I pulled my hoodie up and speed walked my way to class, somehow, some way, making it by 9:19.

Figuring out the professor wasn't there yet, I took a deep sigh of relief, and plopped down in the second row from the front sitting next my friend Chris. I initially met him in my first class during freshman year being the only business major in the room of our Comparative Politics class, where he teased me about being a business major while everyone else was political science. We eventually bonded over our distaste for the wannabe war criminals and politicians in our classes.

He turns to me and says "So, how many alarms did it take today?"

Giving the most fake offended look, I said "I'm honestly very upset you think it took me more than one." He gave me a blank stare waiting for me to answer and knowing that he won't stop until I say something,

"Seven...starting at 7:30"

Completely baffled, he looked at me as if I had said the most absurd thing ever, he starts cackling and said

"Poor Layla, I don't know how she does it" he said, still somewhat laughing

"Trust me, I don't know how she does it either" I replied knowing she would have been pissed if she was a light sleeper, but thankfully she wasn't. We continued to talk more as we waited until our professor arrived.

Five minutes later, our professor comes walking in with someone I never thought I would have to encounter again.

Lucas Kennedy.


Hi! I'm trying to slowly rewrite this because I have a big girl job now, but yup, I'm trying to bring it back :)

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