47: over

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reese pov:

I was happy, happy that zuru was there for me.

'listen. Only you can fully release the power of this katana.I can only guide you.' he said.

zuru pov:

'that is  enough. You have always been my guide.' she whispered back.

Reese…she's the one who is my guide. Without her I'm like a lost sheep with no direction. If it wasn't for her I would have given up to be a tubile.I would have ran from home. Its because of her I stayed.

Reese pov:

I set my blade to full power and an incredible power surged through my body engulfing my body with shadow flames.

Augustin retreated a few steps unknowing what threat this would bring to him.

It was amazing…this power engulfed not only me but also zuru.He didn't seem hurt by it.It was like a cloak.

with zuru's sharp instinct,Augustin wasn't a threat. He crossed katanas a few times with us but none got through.

zuru pov:

Reese was clearly getting weaker. I could feel her legs give way.Her body was too weak.

'you ok?'

tears started to roll from her eyes, 'I…can't really stand…gomen.Its painful.'

'it's ok.I'll handle this.'

*drip…* my eyes widened…

levi pov:

we walked into the room to see zuru and reese when a shocking image came before our eyes…

Reese was being stabbed through her body. She was grabbing tight on Augustin's katana as if not allowing it to go through…

shit!!!! Reese is losing conscious, zuru is next through the katana. 'zuru!!!'

zuru pov:

I heard a soft whisper, 'grab…' I teared as I did as she said.The blade was through the hole that was already in ger body earlier. It must be painful… I grabbed onto the tip of the blade and prevented it from going through me or even further in to Reese.

Augustin realized that it wasn't coming through and started tugging it out to get a withdrawal.

3rd pov:

levi took this chance to stab Augustin in the body, and as expected he gave a face of displeasure.He wanted to use wings to shoot arrows at levi when Mich, he bombed augustin sideways opposite from levi's direction.

augustin was withdrawn from levi's blade as he flew towards the wall.Augustin tried to spread his wings to fly attempting to move away from the wall.That was when June jumped up high enough to reach him and gave him a kick in the stomach forcing him to land to the wall before he could even spread his wings.

Sebastian saw the chance and pinned his wings hands legs with knives against the wall.

He tried to get the knives out which wasn't difficult.But lewich wasn't about to let that happen.'time to suffer.' lewich cast a spell and it binded him tightly to the wall.

'hi…guys.' it was Mirin who had walked through the door. 'I am ordered to kill him.'

zuru:what do you mean?

mirin: its my way of paying back for my sins.Its a request from the other angels.

Mirin unleashed her own katana and threw it to his heart. *piang…* He broke into beautiful sparkles.

Everything is over.

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