4:don't challenge me.

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reese was sleeping till evening as usual and sebestian cannot do anything about it. 

reese:I'm bored...there's nothing to do in this huge house... 

nekoi:how about shopping? 

reese:oh whatever. Sebestian prepare transportation. 

sebestian: my mistress,do you prefer teleportation or the long tedious journey? 

reese:the car...I've nothing to do anyway.

they were in marley square 

reese:FOOD!!!There's my favourite souffle!! 

She goes into the restaurant and sits down. 'sit,I'll treat you.' 

sebestian: I'm just a butler. 

Reese stares hard at him, 'sit.Are you disobeying me?' 

sebestian sits down, 'I can make this dessert if you like mistress. You don't have to come all the way out.' 

Reese: ssshhhh!!!Don't spoil my excitement when I've finally found something that get myself hyped up. 

sebestian giggles,'yes my mistress.' 

reese:what's so funny? 

sebestian: nothing. It's just that you're cute.

A few minutes later the waiter serves the souffles. 


Suddenly reese felt a gun pointed at her head. 

sebestian: mistress! This is why I shouldn't have sat down. 

reese:relax sebestian. erm,what's your name waitor? 

waitor:it's none of your buisness. 

reese:right...mr waitor,if you dare just pull the trigger. 

waitor:you bitch!You think I don't dare?I'm here to kill you! 

He pulled the trigger and a bullet went through reese's head.Reese's face hit onto the table due to the impact.Blood spilled from the bullet wound. 

waitor:hahahahaha...and you thought I wouldn't dare. 

'done laughing?'reese raises up her head from the table.'that hurt a little.' 


He dropped his gun in shock. 'how's...that possible?' 

reese takes up her napkin plucks out the bullet from her head, 'ouch.'Her skull and scalp started to grow back. 'now my hair's out of shape. it's ugly now.' 

sebestian: don't worry my mistress I can solve that. 

waitor:what are you...? 

reese:good question. I'm a half demon. 

she smiles brightly at the waitor. 'now,who sent you?' she asked. 


Reese: that bastard. Now you've destroyed my appetite. And this is why I don't need human servants. They will get shock at this and tremble like him.Sebestian, teleport to jill's house.

In a flash,they were at jill's house.They were situated a few meters from the front gate.They walked boldly to the gate. 

'who are you?Name yourself.' 

Reese didn't answer the guard,she simply walked forward, the guard panicked and shot at her.But it was no effect,she dodged them perfectly. 

reese:I'll leave these shit to you.Don't kill,just hurt them. 

sebestian: as you wish my mistress. 

reese climbed over the gate and went ahead. 

sebestian :now,which knife should I simply use so I'll not hurt them? The kitchen knife?fruit knife?or the knife for cutting food on the plate?  

'what is he talking about? shoooot!!!Intruders!! Shoot!!!' 

sebestian:hmmm...looks like the food knife seems the best.

reese walks down the corridor and sees guards. 'how irritating...' She takes out her 2 guns and aims.

'ooops,I forgot to reload them.10 guards and total of 6 bullets.yup,it's enough.' She aims at the first 2 and each took 1 bullet to the heart.

The bullets than goes through the first 2 and than goes through the 2 standing behind. There was 4 down and now 6 left. She takes a careful aim and shoots.The 2 bullets deflects against the wall moving in opposite zig zag motions killing the rest of the 6.

She walks by the dead bodies,and the incoming guards who saw the scene were shocked that they didn't dare to move.she walks past by the dead bodies. 'Move,I want to see jill.' The guards parted like a red sea for her to walk through.

*knock knock* 

jill(frm inside):what? 

*click* the door opens... 

'it's me.'reese whispered to his ears. 

jill:what the?! 

reese :don't move. 

reese had her hands touching onto his left chest. 'I can pluck your heart out.' 

jill:hahahaha...like that's possible. 

reese put her hand in and at first jill didn't feel anything until reese grabbed onto his heart and clunched it with slight strength. 

Jill: damn... you! 

he had difficulty breathing.She let go of her clutch. 'I told you, Don't. Mess. With. Me. I'll kill you.'She takes out her hand from his chest.She takes a sit on the sofa. 

jill:who are you?no,what are you? 

reese:I thought you knew that already? 

jill:you're not just a impure blood born of the phantomhive,are you? 

reese:that's right.My mother wasn't the first mistress,she also wasn't a noble. My mother is a demon. She made a contract with my father but who knew,they fell in love.My mother made what the strong phantomhive is today.But who knew a demon would kill herself just to be with a human. Now, do you still want your life after hearing this secret? Or will you throw your life in attempt to kick me away from this position? 

jill:I...I...give up.I admit your mother was a remarkable woman.She did make what phantomhive is today. If a demon is what made phantomhive this strong, than I believe in you. 

reese:very well.

*knock knock* 

sebestian: my mistress, it's time to go. 

reese:see you again than.

on the way back... 

sebestian:you asked me to hurt them only,yet you killed them. 

reese:I needed you to buy time.You would've killed all of them in a short time.

black butler:reese phantomhiveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora