7:a visit to aunt maye

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*knock knock*

a lady opens the door and the person seems to be aunt maye.

reese:long time no see aunt maye.

maye:what a beautiful black cat(refering to nekoi) you have in your hands.I didn't know,even you have exquisite taste.

Reese: thanks.

maye:what brought you here?

Reese: I'm not welcome here?Did you hate me this bitch that much?

maye:please mind your language lady.

'yup she's aunt maye.'she whispered nekoi whos in her arms.

maye:let's have some dinner.


at the dinner table...

Reese: yummm...

maye:shut up.I'm done. put your own plates in the kitchen.I'm going up.Beware during your own sleep.

reese:you sure have changed a lot in these years.

maye:we all do,don't we?

Reese: like for example, hating me.

maye:didn't you become a slayer too?You never told me you were a half demon too,impure child.

sebestian: please be careful of your choice of words mistress maye.

maye:I do remember this is my house and not yours.So keep your mouth shut.

She went up to her room.


In Reese's room....

sebestian: Are you sure you want to continue to stay here?

reese :of course. Aunt maye is such a great aunt to me.I'm thirsty,would you mind getting me hot chocolate?

sebestian comes back with hot chocolate in a teacup.

Reese: what are you doing?! Where are your manners?! Hot chocolate are to be made in a mug.

sebestian reaches out to touch her when reese stands up and walks away.

Reese: don't touch me!You lowly servant!

sebestian: who are you?

Nekoi jumps onto Reese's body and she dissapears.Nekoi changes from a cat into her human form.

nekoi:this is an illusion.This whole room is a trap for an illusion.If I can just find the seal...

sebestian: you mean this?(he points the ceiling)

nekoi:it could be.Though it looks like a deco to me.

sebestian: you'll never know.

june:Destroy it! destroy it!

sebestian punches the ceiling and the illusion dissapears.The illusion loses its effect and it appears they're closed in a jail.Sebestian looks out of the jail and sees reese closed in opposite with june.

sebestian: are you fine?my mistress.

Reese: yes.And I found meself another ally.

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