"Eleanor!" I yelled running over to her as she held me tight.

"Louis gave me a ring. Are you alright?" She asked pulling away. I frowned but nodded.

"Aw Kayla." She said hugging me again.

"Let's head back to the house. You need some rest." Perrie told me as I nodded. I said goodbye to everyone and climbed into Zayn's car.

I stayed silent the whole car ride home not saying a single word. When we got home I didn't wait for Perrie and Zayn. I went straight to my room.  I got out of the clothes I was wearing and put on a tank top and comfy shorts before pacing back in froth in my room.

Why would someone want to kill my mum? She was one of the nicest people I knew. And why would the hospital lie to me? My head started to ache and I made my way to my bathroom. I swallowed a few pills before going back into my room and getting on my laptop.

I didn't want to think right now and got on YouTube. I turned on music and tried to fall asleep but failed miserably. I couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard I tried. I was wide awake. I glanced at the clock. 5:47. I didn't get any sleep but it didn't matter because I wasn't going to school tomorrow. But then I remember the lads have to go to the studio early tomorrow and met up with management and-

A huge clap of thunder cut me out of my thoughts. It scared the shit out of me and I screamed. I heard my phone buzzing beside me after, causing me to jump. That was my alarm to get up.

I groaned pulling myself out of bed and somehow made my way into the shower. I didn't spend too much time in there and got out, only blow drying my hair and getting dressed. I put on some leggings, tank top and hoodie then walked downstairs to see Zayn on his phone.

"Morning." He smiled at me.

I got out some juice and a glass and ignored his smile. I wasn't in the mood for a smiley Zayn.

"When are we leaving?" I asked as I sat down next to him. He looked at the time.

"We better get going now." I nodded and went to the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth and then find my phone before running downstairs and outside with Zayn.

It was pretty windy outside and the rain was coming down hard. We walked into the garage to get in the car then began driveng down the street making it to the studio in under 20 minutes. I ran inside not wanting to be in the ran longer then I needed to be. Zayn caught up with me, not far behind and made our way to the 3rd floor where the boys were waiting.

"Kayla. You look horrible." Louis told me.

I rolled my eyes. "I got zero sleep." I said sitting down next to Calum and closing my eyes.

"Why not?" Liam asked. I opened my eyes.

"Oh I don't know. If you found out your mum was murdered and the hospital lied to you, you would just be able to sleep well?" I raised my voice.

He looked taken back and looked down. I sighed.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"It's fine." He muttered. I rested my head on Calum's shoulder while he wrapped his arm around me and I snuggled closer to him. I saw Zayn glare at him but then he looked away.

He's use to me snuggling the other bos but just not Calum and the other 3.

"Boys management would like to see you now." Some random guy said poking his head in. We got up and followed the guy into a room where I guess "management" was sitting down on one side of the table. I didn't recognize any of them as I looked around.

"Boys sit." A man in a suite said sternly. They all sat down and the only spot left was next to Niall and Liam.

So I sat down in between them. The management talked about stupid random shit like Liam and Louis cussing on twitter and how they need to stop and how paps got pictures of the police coming to our house and things similar to that. But there was one question that made me listen carefully.

"Harry we heard you've been hanging around with a girl.. Apparently dating her?" The suited man asked him. Harry nodded.

"Yeah... Carly." He replied slowly.

"You need to break up with her." I jumped up completely angry.

"What! No! You can't control who Harry loves! You can't control who he wants to be with!" I yelled.

"Who's this?" He asked looking at me with disgust.

"Kayla." I growled folding my arms.

"My daughter." Zayn added.

"Daughter hmm?" He said nodding. Niall pulled me back down. I was still quite angry at this guy.

"Harry. You can stay with Carly.. Just keep it down low. We don't want the fans to know." He said folding his hands together.

"Now Kayla. Kayla, Kayla, Kayla." He said smiling.

"What." I spat.

"Kayla. Calm down, don't talk to him like that." Niall mumbled. He looked at me for awhile till he spoke.

"I want you to date Luke." He said sitting up straight.

"What?!" Luke, Zayn and I all screamed standing up at once.

Hehe I hope you guys like dis chapter... I'll try and update Monday or Tuesday. I was out with my friends last night at a hotel so I didn't update sorry! Lol love youu guys!Xoxo

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