Chapter 26

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Perrie moved in 2 weeks ago and things have been going great! Till today.. I heard Zayn and Perrie yelling at each other while I was trying to do my homework. Sighing I got up and walked downstairs.

I heard yelling coming from the kitchen. "Are you guys okay?" I asked them walking in. "Kayla not now!" Zayn yelled turning around. His hand hit my face and I fell backwards and landed on the ground.

"Zayn! Look what you did!" Perrie screamed at him. I was crying by now. I grabbed my keys and ran outside to my car and drove to Harry's. It started raining and I was crying so that helped. I pulled up in his driveway and knocked on his door praying to god he was home.

He opened the door and saw me crying. "Kayla what's wrong?" He asked pulling me into his flat. "Z-Zayn and Perrie w-were fighting and h-he hit me." I said crying on to his shoulder. "It's alright. Your safe with me." He said hugging me.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I asked him after I finally calmed down. "Yeah. Of course. But I was gonna go see my mum if you want to come." He told me as I stood up. "Yeah. Niall went to visit family in Ireland Louis is out with El and Liam is with Sophie and I am not going to see her." I explained to him.

Danielle and Liam broke up and I was so sad but I still get to see her. "Okay. First lets get you some dry clothes and we'll leave sound good?" Harry asked me standing up and starting to walk up the stairs. I nodded and followed. His room was. Well clean.

He tossed me one of his t-shirts and a pair of his sweat pants. They were kinda big on me but oh well. "Alight let's go." He said grabbing his keys and walking downstairs. After a long car ride we finally got there and got out of the car and walked up to the front door.

"Are you sure your mum will be okay with me staying here?" I asked him not sure. "Yeah." He told me nodding and opening the door. "Mum I'm home!" Harry yelled through the house. "Harry!" I heard his mum screaming running over to him with a huge grin on her face hugging him.

"Mum this is Kayla." Harry told her as she smiled at me. "Hello Kayla." She said giving me a hug. "C'mon kids let's go eat." She told us smiling and walking into the kitchen and we followed her. "It's okay if you don't have enough food." I told her not wanting to intrude on anything.

"Love I have plenty of food. Please come sit down." She said sitting down and putting a plate of food in front of me with food. "Are you guys gonna stay the night?" She asked us getting out some juice. "Yeah." Harry told his mum eating.

"Would you like anything to drink love?" His mum asked me. "Oh. Orange juice is fine thank you." I told her smiling. She handed me it and I smiled. "Thank you." I told her starting to take a drink. "So are you two dating or?" His mom asked us and I started to choke on my juice.

Harry patted my back. "You okay?" He asked me. "Um yeah." I said when I finally stopped chocking. "No ma'am where not dating. I'm Zayn's daughter." I explained to her. "Oh okay. And call me Anne." She replied and I nodded.

After dinner I was in Harrys room while we were getting to watch a movie. "Well that was awkward." I told him scratching the back of my neck. "Yeah..." He said while I laughed. The movie was about to start but I heard a girl talking. "I'm home mum!" She yelled happily.

"Oh yeah. Here come with me." Harry said getting up me following. I saw a beautiful girl sitting on the couch. "Kayla this is my sister Gemma. Gemma is this Zayn's daughter Kayla." He introduced up. "Hello nice to meet you." She said smiling."You too." I replied.


Gemma was doing my hair while Harry was in the shower. She did a side braid that went over my left shoulder matching her's. "Alright Kay lets go." Harry said picking up his keys and jacket. "It was so nice to meet you. Come back anytime." His mum told me giving me a hug.

"Thank you for letting me stay here." I told her. We walked outside and got into his car before driving back to his flat.

"I should probably be getting home. I don't want too but I have a lot of homework I still gotta do." I explained to Harry and he nodded. "Alright bye Kayla." He said hugging me before I got into my car and started to drive away. I was thinking about facing Zayn.

Wondering what he was gonna say if he was still mad. My mind was racing with thoughts. I came back to reality when I heard honking and my car flipping over before everything going black.

Zayn's P.O.V.

Kayla left after I slapped her when Perrie and I were fighting. I didn't mean to slap her! I had turned around and my hand just hit her. I'm sure she's fine though. Probably with one of the boys. I was sitting on the couch watching TV when my phone started to ring.

It was a number I didn't know but I answered it anyway. "Hello?" I said. "Hello. Is this Kayla Malik's father?" A lady asked I stood up. "Yes. Who is this?" I asked worried. "This is lakeside hospital (idk if that's a real hospital lol first thing to come to mind) Kayla was in a car crash and is in the hospital."

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I hung up and ran into the kitchen where Perrie and my keys were. "Perrie c'mon! Kayla's in the hospital!" I yelled grabbing my keys rushing out of the house. "Call the boys." I told Perrie as we started to drive to the hospital.

I hope she's okay.

Kayla's P.O.V.

I woke up in a room. I have no idea where I am. I looked around and saw a lady I've never seen before. "Oh good. Your up." She said smiling. She came over to me and I started to freak out. "Where am I?" I asked shaking.

"You don't know what this is?" She asked confused. I shook my head. "Who am I?" I asked her.

So I don't know what it's like to loss your memory so oops sorry but it's a fanfic! Anything can happen. I'll try and update the next chapter as soon as I can! Xoxo

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