1- Prologe

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I've never been popular, at least not outside of my small group of friends. I've never had a boyfriend, never met anybody worth it. I've never done much out side of school, besides right songs and watch GiantCuite. A youtuber, who's real name is Park Chanyeol.
I've been watching him for about two and a half years. I first came across his channel when I was watching documentaries for homework. I had accidentally clicked on his video and I was about to click the back button when I actually looked at him and I was kind if hypnotized to watch some.
He wasn't just taking. He was defending people. He had gone on about how people can be so cruel and mean just to get a laugh from others. He talked about how he did an experiment and made two accounts on three different sites. One with his email that was well known by his fans and another that he made out of nowhere. People were so nice to the account with the famous email, and so nasty to the other. He soon went on to defend gay people, nerds, underdogs, suicidal people, and bully victims.
I guess that's what got me interested in him. I love that about him, but that's not why I subscribed and became the fanboy I am.
I love his smile. I love how he always finds a reason to smile. I love how he appreciates his fans, friends, and family so much, and constantly shows it. I love how he's him self. I love his celebrations he does with his real life friends, who also make YouTube videos. I love his personality. I love his jokes. I love his eyes. I love his voice. I love how he's so passionate about his music. I love his songs. I love how romantic he is.
I love him. . . but he doesn't even know I exist!

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