"Lauren..?" someone ask and I see Austin standing by Damon, yea? "Uuhh what happened with Nathan? I mean why did he act like that, he barely looses his cool" Austin said looking worried about his best mate.

Austin, I seriously would give anything to answer that question, but I seriously don't know, last thing I remember was our eyes locking and I smiled at him, and he kinda smiled back?

"Oh" was all he could say. Guys I feel a little light headed, and nauseous, how long have I been out? "6Hours" they said in unison and it left me shocked, 6HOURS?! "Yep" Elena said laughing.

Damon came and sat on my bed to check on my temperature, "your really warm Lauren, let me go get a thermometer to see if you'll be able to go to school tomorrow," Damon said as he went to my washroom to find what he's looking for.

After digging for about a couple minutes, he comes back with a white thermometer, "open your mouth Lauren" he said and I nodded, I waited until the meter beeped and check my temperature.

"Holy.. Lauren you have a really high fever, must be because you stayed in the rain for a really long time and crying for that matter."

As soon as Damon said that my heart ached an tears came rolling don't my cheeks again, I-I'm really s-sorry guys, I was just confused why Nathan would act like that, I said silently crying. "awe boo its alright, will you be ok staying home for the next couple of days? I think it will be better for you not to face Nathan" I just nodded and fell back asleep.

*Next Day*

Lauren's POV

I woke up and didn't bother getting ready for school since I still have a pretty high fever, thankfully my mom was home so she made me some soup, I was starving and i had nothing to eat in the past 24hours.

I decided to curl up and relax in my living room, eating soup and watching amazing Disney movie, I watched Toy Story, Despicable Me, Tarzan, and Tinker Bell I admit I did have a pretty lazy day, but it made me forget about what went down yesterday.

"Lauren I'm going to pick up you homework sweetie, will you be ok staying at home for a little bit?" my mom said as she made her way upstairs to get ready.

Mum? can I please come? I asked knocking on her bedroom door. "of course you can sweet pea" my mum replied, And can we stop by drug mart after, I need to get some painkillers. she just hummed in response, and I got ready.

Nathan's POV

I woke up earlier than I usually do I remembered heading to Tiffany's house and taking her to bed. I decided to take my guitar an sing a little, I haven't sung in a while so It couldn't hurt to play a couple tunes.

All I know, This Morning When I Woke,

Is I Know Something Now

I Didn't Before,

And All I've Seen Since 18 Hours Ago,

If Blue Eyes And Freckles

And Your Smile

In The Back Of My Mind

Making Me Feel Right

I Just Wanna Know You

Better Know You,

Better Know You

Better Now,

I Just Wanna Know you

Better Know You

Better Know You

The BadBoy And IOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora