Hand To Hand

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Chapter 6- Hand To Hand

A:N omgggg I can't believe I have 63 reads!!! I felt really insecure and thought how my story was really bad..

But you guys just pushed me and help me
Pass through that! thanks you soo much


Lauren's POV

I can't believe Austin asked out Abby. I knew he had the hots for her ever since Mrs.Evans assigned them to be chemistry partners.

The day carried on pretty quickly, by the time I knew it. It was already lunch. Abby and I put our books back in to our lockers then head to the cafeteria.

"Hey Lauren,Abby wait up" I heard someone yell down the hallway. Abby and I both spin our heads and we see Nathan,Austin and the rest of they're friends heading towards us.

Hey guys, Abby and I said in unison. What's up? "we were just wondering if you guys wanted to sit with us at lunch" Austin spoke up as he locked his gaze with Abby's.

I looked over my shoulder to only see her blushing so hard. Sure, WE would LOVE to.. I replied emphasizing the word we and love,

Austin walks with Abby, and I saw him lock his fingers with hers as they walked to the cafeteria, while I walked with Nathan.

His hand brushes over mine, and I felt many sparks when our hands accidentally touched, I immediately felt blood rush through my vain up to my cheeks.

I look up only to see him, smiling at me, not the fake one that all the girls drool over, it was a real smile, the one that made me go weak in the knees. I stumbled and almost fell over but Nathan caught me.

I felt my self blushed even harder, "why so clumsy today princes" he said smirking, ugh the fake Nathan's back.. S-sorry "here" he said while putting his hand out for me to hold.. What do you want me to do? I asked raising an eye brow at him. He just chuckled and took my hand in his, and intertwined our fingers.

I felt the spark ones again, this time it wasn't the one that left quickly, it stay there. Nathan and I walked hand and hand in the cafeteria heading towards Abby and Austin who were clearly flirting. We earned glares from Tiffany and her posey.

"Oh so she's Nathan's new toy now, She such a slut." I heard Tiffany and her friends say. Wow, that really stung, half way to the table I let go of Nathan's hand.

I admit my hand felt empty and the sparks were no longer there, Nathan and I locked eyes, it seemed like he was hurt. "Why'd you let go" he asked and I could tell he was hiding the hurt in his voice.

Umm those girl are calling me your new sex toy and heard them say I'm a slut, I don't really wanna get attention even worse hate after just getting here, I said to Nathan while I was playing with my fingers. "Don't worry about them" he said while shooting them daggers and taking my hand in his ones more.

We finally made our way over to Abby an Austin, they both have the mouths in the letter '0' they looked at me and Nathan and then our locked fingers, I laughed, guys its nothing I was a little 'clumsy' today so he took my hand. I said mocking the word clumsy at Nathan. He just laughed.

We sat down and I let go of Nathan's hand because I was dreading to eat my delicious burger, he didn't seem to mind, but I felt his knee hit mine, but he didn't move it, so I just shrugged it off.

Nathan was just watching me eat and it's kinda weirding me out so I decided to speak up, I swallowed my food first of course, aren't you gonna eat? I asked raising an eyebrow "No it's ok just seeing you eat is enough for me" he replied

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