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We got off the subway and I felt someone grab my arm. "We need to talk." My family stopped with me and I looked at him.

"About what? You used my family and me. We let you live with us for three months. You didn't have to pay rent! You didn't have to buy your own food! And what do we get? A heartbroken Tyler! That's the best thing a family could ask for, right?! You left without saying a word to anyone. I didn't eat without force for months. Fuck off, Josh." I yelled. He grabbed me by my arms and kissed me. I kissed back and he pulled back.

"Shut up and let me explain." He said.

"Fine. I'll catch up with you guys." They nodded and my sister glared at him.

"Hurt him again and I'll kill you." She walked away with my parents and went up to the city. We got Starbucks and sat there.

"So, my parents came to your house before your mom got home. They gave me an ultimatum. I leave you, come back home, have freedom, and I get a trust fund. Or I stay with you and they drain my bank account. I know I did a shitty thing but I'm not gonna be anything in life. And I know it seems stupid but that was my only key out. I had to wait till I could open my own bank account and transfer all my money. I was gonna come back but it's complicated."

"I understand." I whispered.

"And I did a lot of thinking those six months. I miss you Tyler. I love you." He whispered.

"Josh, you hurt me. Really bad."

"I know. And I'm sorry. You don't know how bad I feel every day and every night. And I will do anything to win back your trust."

"My parents are looking for houses here. We're moving early March."

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