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"Where e dis island actually,"Mark asked grabbing a cheeseburger in his hand.Mark,my best friend and a guy of quite amiable demeanor.At times of emergency ,like class fights he would have that "keep e cool' man"nature that dissolved it all.
And the worst part, because of this "cool'" nature he was elected as the class President, which according to me was like.,.you know...kinda inappropriate . How can Mark be a class President when there are more appropriate boys or you say , boy in the class ?

"Near Ecuador, Galapagos, I suppose "said Eve, Mark's girlfriend, Mark's only love. Eve, a nice, chirpy, kinda hot (never mention Mark about it, he'll surely kill me) and a classified girl.To recapitulate, she was a good girl, not like cool but yeah ......more like "I can do it" girl. If I talk about her dad ,she was the daughter of Mr.Adams , a business tycoon and the owner of Adams Multicorp Private Limited, a huge business firm.
Even being her daughter,Eve was not pompous like a princess but simple as a school teenager of seventeen .I loved her simplicity, except for the fact that she had a Koenigsegg Agera R which was her seventeenth birthday gift.

"Yeah that would be fun , right " exclaimed Joanna. Joanna,my love , my Aphrodite , my Girlfriend (lot of words recapitulated to the last word, if you guess.) Joanna , Hot , sexy and marvelous.Truly a marvel crafted by the almighty.She had aqua green eyes , her mother's , much like Aquaman .
Whenever I saw her , my prefrontal cortex region messed up , my systolic and diastolic functions hyperventilated ,my sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system malfunctioned, my 300 gram heart suddenly weighed a ton, my hamstrings fluttered and magically my emotions softened , as if she had charmspeaked my soul. Seeing her everyday healed me . Oh my God . I really do love her.

"Yeah , real fun " finally I spoke . Now listen to me about myself. I am Charming Charlie or Charlie the great or in short ...Charlie, 17 years old and hopefully the best in the world. I am like ...super intelligent, highly addictive, most influential and notably the best...

"Idiot " Joanna smiled .
Was she reading my mind , Oh God , that word would be an inappropriate word especially for ME , but if she says it ,I hope its okay !

"Don't you read my mind sometimes J" I asked her .


"Ah..leave it " (strategic withdrawal)
I continued, " By the way what do we carry , what do you say , MR.President " I shot a sarcastic look at Mark hoping for a fumbled reply, but he was so engrossed in his cheeseburger, studying its intricate structure that he missed it , and spoke , food particles crumbling out with every syllable he spoke ,
"As I announced a pair of shoes, some clothes, deodorants ....."

"Whoa broski , what ye think me a fool , I heard ye announcement , talking bout extras,Moron." I tried to impersonate him but I think I failed miserably, because no one laughed, not even my Joanna.

"Yeah Flabby! , Don't be an ass " Eve said it to Mark , which again had no effect on him. She turned and said ," I'm bringing a Bluetooth speaker, Walkie talkies, umm and yes ,food of course."

"Won't we get food there." Joanna stroking her chin , asked Eve .

"Yeah , but I dunno how to cook ." Her eyes widened,  giving her that Helpless look. That look by which she can convince any boy to do anything for her.

"Don't fuss. I'm with you all. I know how to cook and yes , I will be giving you all my perfectly cooked exotic recipes, free. " Joanna giggled and asked me
"What about you C ?"

"Ah, me."
Was I not the one asking Mark the same thing ? These all girls have that one problem in common that is "They assume" They assume their counterparts perfect. And about their counterparts like me now, they get trapped up every time, every time in a conundrum .
But somehow I managed , as I always do and uttered," Look gals, you all are bringing the best extras over, but without my extras you are doomed."

"What is it ?" Eve demanded , which she usually did when she felt as if she was challenged.

"Portable chargers."

I knew my extras would be extra awesome but before I could thank them they  replied in unison , except for Mark, who was still in love with his cheeseburger, as if they had an intimate relationship.

"We were bringing them by the way."

Okay! That was pretty much for an insult, but somehow I managed,"External Hard drives too", seeking for some anti insult statements but....

"I would be bringing them too and that too with some additional CD drives for extra storage and umm yes some SD cards, pen drives and stuff like that. " Eve said ......and somehow that increased my insult percentage , that too in front of  Joanna.

I confess if Eve had been Mark then I would have choked him to death. But what I managed was a mere disheartening statement for me, " Okay, I am out." Saying this I grabbed my DSLR and left the cafe with my friends. (We seldom do payments, we have Eve for them.)

Outside as usual Koenigsegg Agera R was parked , which the girls hopped in by giving their counterparts,us,bye bye kisses.
And as Agera sped up taunting us , we both proceeded towards our chariot.
Our Chariot. Oh! Must've slipped my mind. Our chariot was sensational, perfectly manufactured and extra mileageous and we called it the Bicycle.
So while we are pedaling home lemme tell u bout tomorrow's trip.

In our school there are various camps and we four along with more seven of us belong to the Naturalist Group or Camp Xplore . The group which spends most of the time scrounging for animals in the forest and taking their observations along with some ultra high definition pictures. Again to recapitulate, we were wildlife explorers.

We recently, I mean, last summer visited Amazon and had some epic pictures shuttered and tomorrow our group will begin for the Galápagos Islands for some real level of wildlife scrounging and stuff.
Our journey ship named HMS Weagle similar to the HMS beagle (except for the W in it....copyright issues you know) is funded by Eve's dad who hopefully ain't accompanying her, as per Mark. (Still no official declaration)
So if Eve's dad made the ship for us to go on, it must be a cruise ship , with extra durability and exaggerated endurance, more than any ship that ever existed because I don't think that he will let her Daughter go in a mere unsafe and unprotected boat.
One last thing about four of us I would like to mention. We four are the idols of the group, that means we four are the unprecedented leaders without any exceptions.
I rule the DSLR section, Joanna lets it rip with her fascinating guidance skills , Eve , our group's advisor , who guides me which picture to be captured and which not to be and Mark , as usual, good for nothing,except that he had extraordinary entrepreneurship skills and sensational lectureship skills.
And the main point is that the group leader after Ms. Merlyn is none other than the sensational, intelligent and notably the best (As Joanna recommended) ME.

SO after a lot of humbugs finally we are home , Mark, my neighbor.
We both did some useless talks about our girlfriends and headed home for.....for you all know, what, what do you all do reaching home.

I do the same.
Finally before retiring to bed , I glanced at our group photo, me with and my love and while I was on it my phone rang , it was Joanna.

"Oh hi J"

"Hiii" her voice was excited and shrill which were indications of something exiting , usually she had this voice the day we had sex but today it was for the up coming tour. (I guessed)

"So, excited "

" Hmmm"

So the humbugs continued and we wished us good night and slept up for a new day.

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