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It's a rest day today for me & andie.
We're sitting down on the floor playing jenga with bella, she will have a night shift for today so, that explains why she's still with us at 10am.
I'm getting the block out off the tricky part of the tower, and I successfully did it.  "yes! Yes! It didn't moved!" I said as clap my hands because of my achievement.

"Wow then, you're the best." Bella said sarcastically at me and rolled her eyes at me but then laughed, it's her turn now. I shake my and and just smile, i look at andie who's eating popcorn while watching bella do her job. I leaned my head on andie's shoulders and she accepted my gesture, "you want some?" Andie asked me as she offered some popcorn. "Of course that is a Yes!" I said as i get a bunch of popcorn and ate it.
She laughed at me, i heard bella claps her hands. "Yes! Look! I got the bottom one!!" Bella said and puts down what she got. "Oh no, and that leaves me with the hard one. Andie put aside the bag of popcorn and analyzed the tower, which is at the verge of falling.

"Ohhhh, good luck there andie." I said as i get the popcorn from where andie left it. Just as andie's getting a tricky spot someone's phone rang that caused her to jump a lil and crashed the tower.
"WHYYYYY??" She cried and put her head down on her knees. "WHO'S PHONE IS THAT?!" Andie asked as she stood up and looks for the phone, i put down what I'm holding and got up, i saw andie's already holding a phone, and it's mine.

"Your david is fucking calling, Do tell him that because of this call he owe me something." Andie told me and she hands me my phone. "Okay will do." I said before I answered his call.
"Hello? David?" I answered the phone and walk out of the living room to the kitchen.

"Queenie! Hey! How are you? I missed you, it's like been a week since the last time we talked." David said.

"I'm good, and it's been only a day david." I rolled my eyes and i make my way to the refrigerator to get water.

" hmmm, really? Why does it feel sooo longggg"

"Stop whining we're already talking right?" I said and laughed while i pour the water on the glass.

"Okay okay, future wifey, soooo, what are you doing?"

"Just playing jenga with my galfriends, and oh you owe andie something because your call made her lose the game."

"Okay, fine. What can i give her though?"

"a house would really make her happy though."

"What? I-"

"Nahh, just kidding! "

"Wheew i thought you're not joking, you know if i bought her a house, what about our house? Where would our children live if i g-"

"Stop! Stop, i was just kidding."

"Ouch, i'm hurt that you don't want to talk about our future."

"hey! It's not like that.."

"Yes it is, fine then, i'll just give it to your 'lovely friend' and lets just be homeless and we'll just let our children starve, how bout that?"

"You're being overdramatic, you can win an Oscar best actor award."

"And you're ignoring my feelings how dare you!"

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