Chapter 9

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When Suresh and I were finished at the ice cream place we decided to go our ways. I went back home, I was exhausted and in need of a good relaxer.. As known as a bath. When I walked through the front door I was surprised to see Nathan sitting on the couch. The house seemed unsually quiet, I assume the boys were staying at their grandma's for the weekend.

I went over to the couch and heard muffled sobbing. I guess Nathan didn't hear me come in the house. I frowned because I started to feel bad. I placed my hands on his shoulders and kind of gave him a hug.

"Come with me to the kitchen, I'll make you hot chocolate." I whispered. I can't stand to see someone cry. You'd think I would be used to seeing Nathan cry but I wasn't. He's still so heartbroken over the death of his wife and then what happened the other day. I hate being so soft towards people.

He stood up and followed me to the kitchen, "Hot chocolate in the summer?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Why not?" I then started to grab everything I needed.


I turned around, "What are you sorry for?"

"Always beeing like this."

"Honey, there's no need to apologize. I would be like you if I lost the one I loved."

I could practically hear him say, "Yeah, Peter." In his head, without using my ability.

I turned back away from him and started to make us hot chocolate, "So, do you know Mohinder Suresh?"

"I do in fact. Why?"

"I talked to him earlier. I asked him questions about myself and so forth. I also showed him what I can do."

When the hot chocolates were finished cooking I poured an even amout into both mugs, handing one to Nathan.

"Would you like some whip cream?" I asked as I opened the fridge.

"Yes please."

I took the cap off then squirted whip cream into his mug, "Say when."


I then proceeded to put whip cream into my hot chocolate then I took a seat across from him. I wanted to get inside his mind, to see what he was thinking. I did the usual tilt of my head and started to hear his thoughts.

'Why do you have to be so perfect? All I ever wanted was to treat you like a princess and you go and chose Peter. I love you Emma.'

"I know you're reading my mind." He moved the cup away from his mouth, revealing that he had a whip cream mustache.

I giggled, "You have a little something." I pointed to my upper lip.

He went crossed eyed, trying to look at what I was talking about. 

I laughed, "Here let me get it." I grabbed a napkin then reached across the counter. I started to wipe at the whip cream.

I could feel his gaze on my lips, as if he were about to grab my face and kiss me. I then moved the napkin away from his mouth and started to do the same thing. We sat there like that for a few seconds until we both heard the front door open. I sat back down into my seat and grabbed my mug.

Peter came waltzing into the kitchen, he kissed the top of my head and sat next to me, "Hot chocolate? Man, I could really go for some." He then got back up and started to make himself a cup.

'I see that you two are getting along.' Peter said in his mind as he poured the chocolate powder into his mug.

I finished my drink remembering what I was going to do once I got here, "I'll be back in a little bit, I'm going to take a bath." I sat my mug in the sink then ran back to the bathroom. I stripped my clothes off and turned the hot water on. I poured the soap in the tub and watched bubbles start to pile up. Once I was satisfied with the amount of bubbles I got in and sunk down into the tub. 

After about ten minutes I could hear Nathan and Peter fighting so I decided to turn the radio on. As I did this I got an idea. Since I can't ever die and I'm immune to electricity, I wonder what would happen if I put the radio into the tub with me. I didn't act on this thought though, this radio was expensive. I closed my eyes and started to hum along to the song.

'You need to go to him.' I heard. It sounded like the same voice to talked to me earlier.

"Go to who?" I adjusted myself in the tub.

'Sylar.' The voice then laughed.

"Yeah that's not going to happen. I have no need to go to him again."

'If you don't go, then I'll go for you.'

I then got a really bad pain in my stomach. It was the worse pain I had ever felt in my life. It was probably worse than giving birth to be honest. But then again, I wouldn't know. I clenched the side of the tub and started screaming. I was in so much pain that I started to throw up some. I tried to stand up but I fell, a second later Peter started knocking on the door.

"Emma what happened?" He called from the other side as he jiggled the door knob.

"Don't come in here." I moaned from the pain.

"Well, well, well." I heard a voice say. Of course it sounded a lot like the voice in my head. I really am going crazy.

"Who's in there with you?" Peter called.

I then slowly lifted my head up when I heard chuckling. There she was, sitting on the counter. The same girl I see everytime I look in the mirror. It was me.

"Hiya Emma! My name is Megan." She grinned, "Sorry for the pain. It happens."

That's the last thing I remember before blacking out.

When I came to I was laying on the couch, Peter was holding my hand. He smiled when I looked over at him, "I'm glad you're okay."

"I can't ever get hurt, remember?" I smiled as I sat up, "Well I can feel pain but you know what I mean."

"What happened in there?" He sounded more serious than I was.

"I don't even know. I was sitting in the tub and all of the sudden I blacked out."

"I heard you talk to someone, who was it?"

I shook my head, "I don't remember talking to anyone."

"I heard it too." Nathan said as he sat beside me on the couch, "Were you on the phone?"

"No. I had the radio on and that's it. Maybe you heard that."

Nathan handed me a cup of tea, "Well, glad you're fine."

I smiled, "Thanks." I took a sip of the drink, "So Peter, why have you never told me about your pal Suresh?"

"Mohinder?" He shrugged his shoulders, "Never came to mind. Why?"

"I met him earlier and he told me he knew you."

"What, did he drive you some where?"

"What?" I smiled as I took another sip.

"In his cab." 

"Oh, no. I went to his house because I knew who he was. Well I knew who his father was, from his book." I lied. I couldn't tell him that I found out who Suresh is by going and seeing Sylar.

"Ah well, maybe one day we should all go to dinner or something like that."

"Let's make it Sunday." I smiled big.

"Okay I'll call him up and make it a date." He laughed as he picked the phone up. He left the room to talk to him.

I looked over at Nathan, "Are you going to come with us?"

"Oh I didn't know I was invited."

"Of course. I wouldn't just leave you out of it, I'm not that kind of person."

"I'll have to see if I'm free that evening. I'm still a busy guy."

I smiled, "I know you are. Speaking of that, how have things been?"

"Good I guess. You should make some more posters."

"That I can do. You just need to throw some ideas at me."

"I don't have any at the moment, but I'll tell you when I think of one."

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