Chapter 18

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I stared at Killua in awe, as he stared back.

A thick silence enveloped us.
"Does this," he trailed off.

"Make us a couple.....," I finished his question, "I guess so.."

What a weird way to confess. You'd expect kisses and I love yous, but I guess not.

A blush spread over my (s/c) cheeks. I subconsciously leaned in, as did he.
We leaned in for a kiss, before someone separated us.

That someone was no other than the blonde, Minikui.

"What the hell," Killua glared at her.
She scoffed, "Come on Killua-kun! Look at me and look at her. I'm beautiful! She's- She's horrific!"

"You're right," Killua stated, "Horrificly perfect."

The blonde growled, "I could give you so much more than she ever could! She's just a slut! She even cuts herself!"
What happened next scared the blonde immensely, she fell to her knees as she stared at the albino.

Killua glared at Minikui, his aura so frightening, so large, even a non-nen user could sense he was danger.
(A/n: I wrote that- while saying in the HxH Narrator voice.)

Minikui's eyes went wide as she scooted back, her orbs showing great fear, as Killua turned towards her. I grabbed his hand, forcing him to stop.

"Killua," I said, "Lets go.."
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Tch," he clicked his tounge in annoyance as he squeezed my hand, shoving his free hand in his pocket. "If I ever see you around (Y/n) again," he said walking away, as I walked with him, "I'll kill you."

She quickly reclined to a safe alleyway where her friends were waiting.

"(Y/n)," Killua looked at me, and I stared back, "Yes...?"
He took his hand out of his pocket and grabbed my other hand, pulling my sleeve down.
He saw the scars of old wounds. The albino clutched my shoulders and placed a loving kiss on my lips.

"K-Killua," I blushed, "I-I stopped.. And my dad.. He's stopped getting drunk.. And is going to meetings to stop completely..."
I placed a hand on his cheek, "It got better.. After I met you.. Killua.."

A blush formed on his pale cheeks, "Tch," he looked away, "Its not like I wanted to or anything."

I giggled, poking his cheeks "Tsun~Tsun~."

He growled, "Stop. That's embarrassing.."

With that, he dropped me off and walked home, our hand held the whole way.

"I'm home," I sighed happily.
"Welcome home," my father's deep voice said from inside the living room.

"Oh," he looked at me as I walked into the room, "(Y/n). Invite those friends of yours over. And the Killua boy too."

I nodded, "I'll tell them to come tomorrow pops." He chuckled, "I'm old but not that old."

I smiled to myself, Killua. Then, my face turned a cherry-red, I almost kissed him twice!

My hands went to my cheeks as I retreated to my room, If only Minikui didn't come...

With that, I sat on my phone, reading, playing games, and scrolling through other apps. 


A yawn escaped my lips, as I stared at the ceiling.. What time is it," I turned to my phone. Feeling tho cold electronic in my hand, I pressed the button, turning it on.

I growled to myself, pulling the covers over my head.

I ended up staying up all night and watched anime... Which wasn't a smart idea...


I snored, as my phone lay on my chest.

I rubbed my eyes, Crap.

I sighed to myself. I SURE AM SMART. I had light dark circles under my eyes, shrugging it off, I applied light make-up to make it look alright. Once again, I shrugged, as I got ready.

{This was me Friday morning ^}

Today, I cooked breakfast as usual, and went to school as usual. It was a usual day, nothing too exciting...
Besides the fact that..


"Hehe..," I sweat-dropped as everyone but Sapphire and Noburo had asked the question. Those two were laughing and shipping their lives away.

Killua simply wrapped his arm around my shoulder, causing me to blush and stare at my feet, as I nodded.

People smacked Killua on the back, as a small 'oof' left him.
"Nice bro! You got the hottest, nicest, curviest girl in the school!"
Killua glared at them, and then sighed, a small tint of jealousy in his heart, I looked at him and grabbed his hand, then I grabbed Takeshi's, Gon's, Kurapika's, Sapphire's, and told Leorio to come along.

I smiled at all of them, Sapphire put her her elbow on Gon's shoulder, "When's the wedding?"

Takeshi giggled, a sigh escaping her lips, as she smiled, "Young love~"

I glared at the two and then pouted, a sigh escalated from my lips, "My dad was wondering if you all would mind coming over today!"

After some contemplating, and telling them how my dad was better now, they all agreed. So that day, after school, we all went to my place.

I wonder how things'll turn out.

Why are you still reading this?
This is crap ;v;

Thanks for reading, these are literally just ideas popping into my head at random that I jot down and publish.....

So, thanks for reading, lol.


~Sparklezz ♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡

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