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I didn't want to get up. I ran my fingers over the rough sheets on her bed. I slowly sat up already feeling the headache from the sleeping pills. I forced myself to stand up my feet hitting the cold hardwood flooring. I gasped surprised I didn't shatter upon impact. I slowly walk towards my bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I got dresses in some baggy black sweats, a thin shirt, a red hoodie, and some white Converse to top off the look. I stepped over all of the broken glass and debris from previous nights.

"Great more stuff to clean," I quietly mutter to myself. I grab my backpack from it's hook and leave my house without any breakfast.

After I silently shut the door behind me, I break into a sprint wanting to forget myself for a moment. I run pass my street sign and then pass another and another gaining speed as I went. When I finally reached my school I realized I just ran 5 straight miles.
"Great burn more fat body," I say in a small congratulations. Once I reach the doors I brace myself for all of the words that are going to break me even more than I already am.

"Hey slut, call me up," I hear from some random boy.

"Ewww she is so disgusting," I hear another girl say to her clique of friends before they all burst into laughter. I pull my sleeves lower so the hem lays in my palm and I grasp onto it for dear life. I hear more mean comments before I reach my homeroom and sit in my usual place; the back corner.

The teacher takes attendance and soon after we hear a knock at the door. The teacher lets the unknown guest in and guides him to her desk.

They talk in hushed tones and after a long pause the teacher says to the whole class, "Welcome our new student Lucas Campone." The whole class erupts in welcomes inviting him to sit with them. I couldn't blame them he was kinda hot.

He looked around the room glancing at every one, finally his eyes landing on me. I suddenly felt self conscious and looked down into my lap and started fidgeting with my fingers. When I heard his feet start to move I knew he wasn't going to sit next to me, even though I really wanted him to.

When I looked up again he was standing next to my desk asking, "Ummm... Is this seat taken," gesturing towards the seat next to me. I slowly shaked my head no avoiding eye contact. He slowly sat down and I quickly glanced towards the group of popular girls to find them all glaring at me. It's not like I was pretty or anything in fact I am the opposite, I am fat, I have scars every where, and a messed up mind. Finally the bell rang signalling the end of homeroom and I grabbed my stuff as quickly as I could but I guess I was too slow.

"Hello my name is Lucas, What is your name?" I finished grabbing my books and quietly muttered "Delilah," while rushing out of the room.

When he caught up with me he said, "What class do you have next?"

I was contemplating whether to tell him when it just kinda slipped from my mouth, "Literature."

"OK cool," he replied, "I have that next too," he added. Oh great this boy was going to be near me for another class period. I just hope he doesn't find out my secrets.


Time Skip:

Wow I couldn't believe my bad luck. Lucas's schedule was identical to mine. I slowly glanced at the clock and it read 11:55. Great lunch is at 12:00 I could get more homework done because I know I couldn't do it at home. I went back to my doodling in my notebook because I hate taking notes. Before long the bell rung and I grabbed my stuff to drop off at my locker. Once I left the classroom I raced down the hall trying not to hear the mean remarks and to escape Lucas. Once I arrived at my locker I set my stuff down and entered my combination. Before I could open my locker a hand slammed against the locker making me gasp.

"Jesus Christ," I said adding salt to each word.

"Hey," Lucas said with a smirk, "Why did you run down the hall?" "If you hadn't already noticed, people don't exactly like me and they say really mean things," I let out before I can stop myself.

"Wanna walk with me to lunch," he asked politely.

"Ok, but can I put my books away now," I ask almost sounding whiny. He chuckles to himself as I set all of my books carefully away and walk with Lucas to lunch.

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