Harry sang beautifully, I had no idea he could sing. It's like I'm paralysed. I can't move nor speak. Im in a trance just listening to his beautiful voice. I recognise the song, mum used to sing it to me when I was little.

Harry stops singing so I take this as a go ahead and open the door sign. As I open the door, Harry looks up with a bright smile. "Hey babe, how long were you at my door for?" He asked. I smiled. "Long enough to know that you have the voice of an angel." I smiled again. Harry made his way over to me and pulled me in for a hug. We stand in each other embrace for a moment before I pull away and look in his eyes. It's his eyes that always capture me. Their so hopeful and full of promise for the future. I lean in slowly and brush my lips against his.

"Dinner is done." A girl said as she made her way in Harry's room. I stopped for a moment and looked at Harry quizzically. "Babe, this is my sister, Gemma. Gemma this is my girlfriend, April." Harry said as he caught on to my quizzical look. "Nice to meet you." I smiled at her. "Same to you, this is a first. Harry never brings his girlfriends home." She smiles before pulling me out of Harry's arms and into hers. I must remind myself that this family is full of huggers.

We all made our way down stairs and sat at the table that already had our meals placed out in front of us. Harry is to my left, Gemma to my right. While mum and Anne are on the other side of the table. We eat our meal with comfortable conversation going around the table. "So April, how long have you and Harry been dating?" Gemma asks, I turn my head to meet her gaze. "About a month." I smile at her. "Wow didn't think my baby brother could have a relationship longer than 3 days." She chuckles. I see Harry visibly tense beside me while he glares at her.

"So have you told each other you love each other yet?" Mum asks with a smile. I mentally fade palm. I can tell mum is definitely going to make this awkward. "No, not yet." Harry answers for me. I thank him with a smile. "I don't think it's right to tell someone you love them unless you are absolutely one hundred percent sure of it. As for Harry and I, we know our feelings for each other and when we are ready we will tell each other." I said after I swallowed my last forkful of my meal.

The conversation moved on from that 'I love you' subject to something more embarrassing. "So are you a Virgin?" Anne asks, with a polite smile. While mum chokes down the last of her meal. "Um no." I shake my head. Oh boy, do we really have to do this now? I mean people are still eating, I ask myself. "When did you loose your virginity? Harry only lost his last year." Gemma asks with a chuckle. I look towards mum for help, but it seems she has left me stranded. She knows I don't like talking about this sort of stuff. "Uhm, I was 8." I said quietly.

The dinner table went silent for a moment. This was definitely an awkward silence. "You were 8? How? 8 year olds aren't developed properly down there." Anne says, as she raises her eyebrows. "I-I-I was s-sexually a-assaulted." I muttered out, my voice is barely audible.

The dinner table when silent once again. I looked towards Harry who has shock written all over his face. "Excuse me. I need some fresh air." I said. I stood up and made my way out the back and sat on a swing chair on the balcony. I didn't want Harry or his family to find that out, why! Why didn't I lie? Stupid stupid me! Now their all going to show pity on me.

I heard someone clear their throat, as they sat beside me. I knew who it was once they had put their arms around me. "I'm so so sorry for what happened in there, babe." Harry said as he pulled me closer to his chest. "It's okay. I just didn't want you or your family to find that out, but I knew I couldn't lie." I sighed. I rested my head against Harry's shoulder while I silently cried. I don't know why I'm crying. I guess maybe because it just brought all the memories I've fought so hard to forget back.

Harry pulled away from me and took my head in his hands while he wiped away the tears that came rolling down my cheek. "Don't worry baby. I won't let anything like that happen to you ever again. I promise" Harry promised, I believe him. I know he would never let anything like that happen to me again.

"Can I please be alone for a minute?" I asked Harry. "Sure, love" he kissed my forehead and walked back inside. I sat for a moment and let the cool breeze hit my skin. Everything was quiet until I heard shouting. "Why couldn't you just leave it alone! Why weren't you both satisfied with her answer when you asked her if she was or not, you just had to keep digging didn't you! Well guess what? You have made the girl I love cry! Thanks guys. Thanks!" Harry yelled.

Did Harry just say he l-loved me or am I hearing things? No. No, I can't possibly be hearing things. I slowly stood up and walked inside to see everyone's jaw down on the ground.

I stood beside Harry and pulled him in for a hug. "It's okay. No need to get angry. I'm okay." I whispered in his ear. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist.

"April, I'm so sorry about before. I didn't know. Please forgive us." Anne sighed sadly. I let go of Harry and made my way around to where Anne was standing. I wrapped my arms around her. "Of course I forgive you. Neither of you knew." I smiled at her once I had let her go.

After everything was out in the open, mum decided it was time to go, as it was getting late. We said our goodbyes and I gave Harry a hug and I long lingering kiss.

"Goodbye babe." He said in my ear as he pulled me in for another hug. "Goodbye." I smiled against his shoulder. I pulled away and opened the car door. I slide in the car and rested my head back against the head rest as mum pulled out of their driveway.

"Well that was a lovely dinner." Mum said as she drove down the road. "Yeah, very revealing as well." I said more to myself. "I know, I'm sorry you had to go through that." Mum said sadly.

We made it home and I went straight for a shower. I wanted to wash all of tonight's events away. After my shower I brushed my teeth and laid in bed. I couldn't sleep, all I could do was stare at my ceiling as a million thoughts rushed through my head. Slowly but surely my eyelids started droop as sleep took over my exhausted body.


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