Chapter 1

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A/N: So I decided to write another book since I just finished the last Brooklyn one I wrote called, "She's Dangerous". So I decided, why not write another Romeo book? So here it is, and I hope you enjoy it! I will try to update frequently, but I am playing tennis for my school right now. But I hope you enjoy this book!

xoxo, queenarigrande:)


"But you know exactly what's in Paris!" My best friend Lydia said through the phone as I threw another pair of jeans in my suitcases.

"Snots." I snapped back.

"Probably." She laughed. "But I was looking for 'cute boys'!"

"Probably not." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You'll be fine, you'll have fun." Lydia said, turning serious now.

"But I have fun with Nina, and Matt, and you." I frowned.

"Nina and Matt will survive without their overprotective older sister!"

"Watch over them for me?" I asked her, trying not to cry. Too late.

"Of course." Lydia's voice was sad too, but she wasn't crying like I was.

I just smiled in response. I know she couldn't see me smiling, but she knew I was.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it on your last day." Lydia said after a minute of comfortable silence. "I really wanted to say goodbye."

"It's okay, band camp is important too." I shrugged.

"Hardly." She argued. Lydia played the violin, and she hates it. She loved it when she was younger, but by the age of twelve she was beyond over it and no longer wanted to play, but she was so good and her parents put so much money into it that they won't let her quit.

"We need more pianists like you!" I smiled.

"I'm not a pianist. Pianists play pianos." she said, clearly not impressed.

"Okay, then violinist."

"There you go, smart stuff." she giggled.

"Harper!" my dad interrupted me.

"Gotta go," I said as I pulled the phone away from my ear and set it down as I attempted to zip my two overstuffed suitcases.

I heard Lydia talking but couldn't understand what she was saying. I picked my phone back up and put it to my ear again. "I really wish I was there." was all I caught.

"It's okay, I'll see you on Thanksgiving." I grinned, thinking about when I would come home in November.

"Can't wait. I'll count the days."

"You do that." I joked.

"Harper!" My dad called again.

"See ya!" I said into the phone.

"See ya, love you! Text me as soon as you get off your flight!" Lydia said as quick as she could.

"Love you too, I will." I said before pressing the red end button and shoving my phone into my carry-on bag.

"Harper Jane Colli-"

"I'M COMING!" I shouted back as I threw on my bag, the two luggage bags wheeling behind me.

"Your flight is at seven."

"It's only five-thirty. You're lucky I even got up this early." I snapped back.

"We don't need the attitude, Harper." My mom said, sternly looking me in the eyes like she did when I ate an extra cookie or two when I was six.

"You're the ones making me go to this place, we all know I don't want to!"

"You might meet some cool people there!"

"I'd rather not socialize." I frowned as I walked out the door towards the car.


"But I don't want you to go!" Matt whined as I stood in front of my plane gate.

"I don't want to go either, Matty, but I have to." I frowned as I pulled him into one last hug.

"I love you, Harp." Matt said as I felt a wet spot on my shoulder. Oh no, he must be crying.

"Don't cry, Matty." I said as I pulled out of the hug. "I'll be back soon, sooner than you can imagine." I smiled as I pinched his little cheek. He hates it but it's so cute.

"You will?" He asked me. His sad blue eyes looking up at me since he was so much shorter than me.

"Of course I will." I said as I smiled at his blonde disheveled hair. Matt never gets up this early, never. "I love you so much."

"Love ya, Harper." My younger sister Nina, who is twelve said to me as she threw her arms around me.

"I love you too, Nina. Take care of Matt and Truffles for me." Truffles was the tiny brown dog we got for Christmas when I was nine and Nina was six. It was three days before Matt was born, but we still called him Matt's dog too even though Truffles was a gift to just Nina and me.

"Feed him twice a day, once before I go to school, then once when I get home from school, then before I go to bed."

"That's three times, but you got it!" I smiled.

"How is that dog not fat?" my dad asked.

"That's right!" I practically shouted. "Don't forget to take him for a walk before your favorite show starts, mine started at five but you can do it whenever."

"Mine starts at four."

"Great, take him for a walk before that."

"But I only get home from school at 3:45!" Nina argued.

I groaned. "Then take him out after, I don't care just don't forget to take him out for his daily walk!"

I said as I grabbed my stuff and started to walk towards the plane. I had already said goodbye to my parents, and I was not in the mood to give them an extra hug.

"Harper, wait!" My mom called after me.

"What, mom?" I asked as I turned and looked at my whole family standing there, looking sad.

"Can we get one last picture of the three of you?"

As soon as I was about to say no, Matt frowned, his way of begging me without words.

"One picture. And one picture only." I agreed as I stood next to Nina and Matt.

Who would have guessed that picture would mean so much to me.

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