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"We don't know what you see in him." By now the school new that Draco Malfoy and Grayson Yang were in more than just an arranged marriage. People could clearly see there was an actual romantic relationship taking place. And due to that fact, Harry and Ron needed to sit their friend down and have a chat.

"Guys he's so different with me than he is to you all. He's just caring.. and remember I do have to marry him."

"We understand that part but we can't see how you're actually falling for him!" Ron bursted out, while Harry was being much more calm about the situation. Of course Grayson knew this lecture was long overdue and wasn't going to be getting out of it.

"I don't get it myself! I didn't choose to start actually crushing on him... I-it just happened and I'm okay with it. As my friends I want your support too. I'm not asking you to suddenly all be friends, just know I'll always choose you guys whenever it comes down to it."

"We're just scared he's going to hurt you."

"I've thought of that myself. Please just trust me and if something does happen you'll be the first to know." she smiled reassuringly at the two boys. Hermione and Ginny were of course listening in along with practically the whole house of Gryffindor too. After hearing that conversation no one was going to try to argue anymore, they were going to have to trust her on this.

"Okay we will Gray..." the two hugged her, "are you going to Hogsmeade with him? Since it's Valentine's Day and all."

"No, with Ginny. We're only gonna hangout for an hour or so. I'm making him take me to Madame Puddifoot's."

Ron smirked as an idea popped into his head, "you know what Harry?"

"What's that Ron?"

"I think we may have to pay a visit to Madam Puddifoot's tomorrow."

"Hmm I think you're right!"

"You two are unbelievable!!" Grayson complained over dramatically, "and besides, Harry I'll drag you right back to the castle, you need to figure out that egg."

"I'm well aware."

The second task was approaching in just under two weeks on February 24th and Harry wasn't making any leeway on what was in store. If dragons were the first round then who knows what was going to be next if things were supposed to get harder.

"Anyways I gotta get going to class."

"Sure you aren't going to see Malfoy?" Fred called from across the room making everyone burst into laughter.

Rolling her eyes she countered back, "nope! I have a date with charms class!"

"Oooh have fun with Professor Flitwick!" the one Weasley twin yelled back again. 

Grayson liked leaving for her classes earlier than she needed to. It gave her the ability to take her time and clear her head. She always suggested it to people, it was nice.

The air was slowly growing warmer each day and soon Spring would be right around the corner and Hogwarts would be bursting with light. It was her favorite time of the year besides the week long endeavor of leaves
falling from the trees. Things were genuinely making her happy realizing all that was going right in her life. She had supportive parents back home who were happy to hear she was faring well.. because she was. The young Gryffindor girl just felt content.

Maybe it was the wind that was making her joyous, it felt so familiar, just like that day. Hitting her face on was the memory of her summer vacation in Kanazawa, Japan. It felt like the same breeze that blew through her hair as her and a friend walked underneath the blooming cherry blossom trees, along a bridge over a gentle river. It was her favorite garden to visit whenever she was there; filled with statues, fountains, and beautifully shaped trees. Grayson and her grandmother would always wander along the walkways talking about their lives.

Tears stung her eyes as she recalled those happy memories from a few months ago. As much as she loved it here at Hogwarts she would do anything to go back for a day... being able to regain herself rather easily she made her way up the steps to get to the third floor.

Though standing there making her want to do a double take was the infamous Pansy Parkinson. Draco had talked to her about Pansy's obsession and stalkerish tendencies with him. It made his fiancé nervous and a little insecure when she really thought about but it wasn't worth her time.

"Don't try to just walk past me, Yang."

"I'm sorry I can't talk Miss Parkinson but I gotta get to class." Grayson tried to bow politely to the older girl but she just sneered.

"So you have time to snog Malfoy before your classes but not talk? Double standards I see."

"I-I do not.."

"You're pitiful! Just stand up for yourself a little."

"What do you want?"

"Since Mr. Malfoy seems really set on marrying you, then I guess we're just going to have to get along..... Or you're at least gonna have to recognize your place. You're the Gryffindor wife, you don't belong.. don't act like you know Draco or understand him."

She had no response to give Pansy. Her words stung. Why did she deserve this verbal hate from someone who didn't know her- and only out of jealousy? Her head spun as the Slytherin fourth year walked down the hall, hips swaying confidently with each step.

Walking into charms Grayson felt vulnerable like everyone knew of the conversation that just took place. She took a seat besides a fellow Gryffindor, though wishing Ginny was there instead. Class went by painfully slow, Flitwick's words dragging on and on. It felt like he was never going to dismiss them. All she wanted to do was lay in the safe confides of her bed, and encase the curtains all around. She wanted to most of all be left alone.

"Grayson what's wrong?" Colin Creevey came bounding over to his fellow house mate.

"I'm just having a bad day.." she sighed.

"You seem rather distracted, you normally do really well in charms..."

"Thanks Colin."

"What class are you going to next?"

"Study of Ancient Runes."

"Want me to walk you?" the two didn't know each other well. He was a funny kid whom could make her laugh rather easily, but she hated having to bother him,

"No don't worry I'm okay." no she wasn't.

"Alright I'll see you later."

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