"Alright let me just save this..." I stretched out, "... and there. We're done."

"So that's 7 down, 3 to go," Rachel crossed something off her notebook.

She took a seat on the floor and sat back, laying down.

"What time is it?"

I checked my phone that was laying on the dinner table.

"3:32," I replied.

We had worked all afternoon and all night long. She stood up immediately, with panic in my face.

"Oh my god really?" Rachel ran her fingers through her hair.

"Relax you can crash here tonight," I carelessly commented.

She looked a little taken back by it, her eyes slightly wide.

"T-thanks," she stuttered.

I simply nodded my head and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of tequila, something I usually drink when I'm up late at night for my own personal reasons.

"Why are you drinking?" Rachel asked from behind me.

"Because I can," I bluntly commented.

We stayed silent for a couple of seconds before she broke the silence.

"Can I have some?"

I turned around almost instantly.

"You want some?" I raised both of my eyebrows in shock.

She nodded her head. I turned around and opened the bottle. I handed it to her.


I watched as she attempted her best to chug it down. She made a face of disgust when she took her lips off the bottle.

"Your first time?" I began to laugh.

She rolled her eyes playfully, "no."

"Yea, right," I commented sarcastically as I took the bottle from her hand and pressed my lips on it.

We continued to pass the bottle back and forth for a while as we walked up the stairs to the cinema room. Soon enough, the effects began to hit us.

"His head is so-" Rachel laughed, "I mean look at his-" she attempted to control her laughter but failed.

She broke down into a full laughing fit, causing me to laugh as well. The sound of my phone ringing stopped me from actually rolling on the floor.

I picked it up clumsily and answered it.


"Dude are you drunk?" I faintly heard Andrew's voice.

"Nah man," I attempted to get out two simple words, "why are you calling me now?"

"Right," Andrew laughed, "anyways I need you here in the morning to get all the shit set up."

"For what," I slurred.

"For the fucking party I'm throwing you idiot."

I began to chuckle to myself, "oh right."

"Dude this was your idea, remember? Your big Tuesday blowout idea."

"Mmhmm." No I didn't.

The rest of the conversation was hazy to me. In fact, the rest of the night was.

"Kaiden!" I heard a muffled shouting from a distance.

"Why are you shouting," I groaned, never opening my eyes.

The Mafia BoyWhere stories live. Discover now