Chapter 20

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Tobias pov

Tris has gotten a little better since Kyle's funeral. She talks more and goes out the house. She even put all of Kyle's stuff in boxes and cleaned out his room.

She cried after packing all of his things up but she told me she was happy she cleaned it. I offered to help clean the room with her but she wanted to be alone.

Today is our anniversary and I think she forgot. I'm in the kitchen and she walks in dressed in jeans and a shirt with her hair in a ponytail.

"What" she says to me as I look at her

"Nothing. You look beautiful" I say

"I'm wearing jeans and a shirt but thanks" she says. She walks over to me and kisses my cheek.

"I'm going food shopping" she says grabbing her car keys.

"Want to come" she ask

"No I have something planned" I say

"Oh really. What is it?" she ask

"I'm going out with Zeke somewhere no biggie" I say

Just in case you're wondering. Yes, me and Zeke are friends again.

"Okay" she whispers. I walk up to her and peck her lips.

"I'll see you later" she says and I nod. Then she leaves.

I could tell that she was bothered with the fact that I wasn't going food shopping with her but she has no idea what I have planned for the night.

I'm not really going somewhere with Zeke. I'm going to a resort and getting a room for Tris and I to spend our 4 year anniversary together.

I'm going to leave her a note at home and tell her to meet me at all of our special places, that will have a note to meet her at a new destination each time. The last destination will tell her to meet me at the resort.

I can't wait till we start planning our wedding. I can't wait to marry her.

Tris pov

I push the shopping cart around the store and get the food that we need at the house.

When I'm done at the grocery store I drive back home. I carry the bags inside and put them away in the kitchen.

I see a note on the fridge so I decide to read it.

- Tris,
    happy anniversary! I lied I didn't go out with Zeke right now I'm at a resort planning an amazing weekend getaway with you. Follow the directions and bring every item you get at each destination with you.
                               I love you.
First destination is: the place we first meet.

- Tobias

I can't believe I forgot today was our anniversary. I'm such a bad fiancé. Tobias is so sweet. I love him.

Now I have to go to the place we first met. The only place I can think of is our old high school. I grab my keys again and run out the door. I drive to our old high school and see a sign that says Tris. 

Under the sigh is a note and a rose. I grab the rose and read the note.

- Tris
        You've found the first note. This school is the reason why we met and I'm so happy I met you because you are the best thing that ever happened to me.

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