Chapter 10

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Carrie's POV

I looked at Ross with absolute terror in my eyes. I'm not gonna let Ross get in trouble and go to jail because of me he means way to much to me! "Babe don't worry everything's gonna be okay." Ross said trying to comfort me. I just gave him a fake smile. We both went to bed I could barely sleep I was too worried. It was 7 AM when I woke up everyone else was still asleep.

I got up washed my face and left out the door. I'm gonna go back with Mom even if this means me and Ross can't see each anymore at least this will keep him out of jail. I rather go back and live with my mother than see Ross in jail! He doesn't deserve to be in jail because of my issues with Angela.

I walked back to my house and knocked on the door. "Carrie you're home!" Aimee said. "You are in so much trouble" She stated as I walked inside. Mother and John were asleep in their bedroom since it was almost 8 now. I went up to my room and washed up. I felt completely sad nothing would make me feel better.

As I walked down stairs I saw my mother and John waiting for me in the living room. "We need to have a serious talk with you young lady!" Mother said. "I know I messed up by leaving with Ross I'm sorry but I'm back all I need is for you to leave him alone! Because if you don't then I will leave and NEVER come back!" I said making my point and leaving to the kitchen for some breakfast.

I'm glad my parents got my point straight and clear. I'm not in the mood to see or hear anybody. I wonder how Ross is reacting or will react to me leaving. Breaking his heart was my last intention but it was necessary in order to keep his freedom and job even if it meant I was loosing my freedom.

Ross' POV

I woke up but Carrie wasn't next to me! I got up maybe she's in the bathroom or kitchen. The bathroom was empty and so was the kitchen. I ran around the house looking for her. Now am Panicking!! Where can she be? Did she leave me?

I saw Janette walking out her room in her pajamas "Hey J have you seen Carrie?" I asked her. "No why?" She asked. "I can't find her Janette I'm freaking out!" I said to her. "Let me ask Paul maybe he saw her he woke up way before me." Janette said calling Paul out. "Hey babe have you seen Carrie?" Janette asked Paul. "No I haven't why?" He asked. "Ross can't find her!" Janette said. "I haven't seen her but when I woke up I heard the front door close maybe that was her?" Paul said.

"Why didn't you check PAUL!" Janette sounded a bit mad at him. "Because I figured it was Ross and Carrie I never thought Carrie would leave!" Paul said. I can't believe she left me. She must not have liked me enough because she just left me without saying a word. Everything she said was a lie she never had feelings for me I can't believe I fell for her trap! I can't believe I almost got sent to jail because of her!

I'm such an IDIOT! But I'm not gonna beg her or ask her for an explanation I will just stay away from her and never talk to her again because all that comes out her mouth are lies. Never again will I fall for a girl like her!


Carrie's POV

It's been a couple months since the whole Ross situation. I haven't seen him since then. Mother doesn't let me anywhere near set the movie is almost done since it got a bit delayed it took longer than usual. John well nothing has changed with him. My birthday is in exactly one month can't believe I'm finally gonna be 18!!

Mother drove with me to the set with her since she didn't want me to stay home alone. John and Aimee where going to some football game. "Carrie I'm warning you right now! If I see you with Ross I'm throwing him in jail no exceptions!" Mother said. "Got it...." I answered her. Honestly I'm a bit nervous to see Ross and how he's doing.

As soon as I got there I was greeted by Austin Butler. "Carrie Oh lord I haven't seen you in forever!!!" Austin said giving me a big hug. "I know it's been a while!" I smiled at him. "I'll see you around I have to go get ready. Bye pretty lady!" Austin said kissing my cheek and leaving.

For some reason his kiss made my stomach twirl like crazy! Oh well I kept walking and saw Nina and Vanessa. "Oh my god Carrie I missed you so much girl!!!" Nina said hugging me tight. "I did too!!" Vanessa said joining the hug. "I missed you guys too! We need to go out for a girls night soon!" I said they both nodded. "See ya later Carrie!" Nina said waving goodbye. "Bye Carrie! Love your hair today!" Vanessa said waving bye too pointing at my curled hair.

I walked to my mother's dressing room hoping not to see Ross. I knew coming here would some how end up in me seeing him but I was dumb enough to come. I should have stayed at a friends house or something. I got in the dressing room area and well I came upon someone who I was hoping not to see!

Yea it's Ross. He saw me and came up to me "It's nice to see you again not running away from me.." Ross said. "Ross about that I'm s-" I was about to explain to him why I left but I got interrupted.

A/N So who interrupted Carrie? And What's gonna happen with Rorrie? Does Austin have feelings for Carrie? Or Does Carrie like Austin?

Hope you all like it! Don't hate me for breaking up Rorrie. Will see a Ross POV next chapter explaining everything he's done during those months. Also more of Janette and Paul is coming. Woow! I have so many ideas for the next couple chapters!

Vote and Comment thanks for reading. Follow me on here if you haven't and follow me on Instagram @jay_rocksss

Bye💞. -Laura Jay 👽

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