
"CAMILLE! CAMILLE!" Klaus yells, he held a duffle bag in his hands filled with dark objects.

"They're not going to hear you." Alex says as she approaches him, Klaus turns around to look at Alex. "Someone's burning sage, can't you smell it?"

"They're in danger." Klaus states, he turns around and slams his hands against the invisible barrier.

"Don't worry, I'll go get them," Alex says, she steps over the barrier line and walks into the building where they were, she steps inside and walks down a hallway hearing talking, she quickens her pace and arrives in a room just as something or someone disappears, Camille laid on the ground with a horrified look on her face. "Who was that?"

"She took it," Camille says. "She took the white-oak." Alex takes hold of Camille's jacket and pulls her to her feet.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Alex asks, she glances at Vincent before pulling Camille out of the building and towards Klaus.

"Where is it?" Klaus asks when he spots them, Alex pushes Camille towards Klaus.

"Please, do tell him, Camille," Alex says, Klaus takes hold of her upper arm.

"Where is it, Camille?" Klaus asks.

"Somebody took it," Camille says, rage could be seen in Klaus's eyes as he releases Camille's arm, Vincent walks out of the building and towards them holding his head.

"You do realize this is your doing? Your attempt to manipulate me played right into our enemies hands." Klaus barks out.

"And I'm sorry," Camille says.

"You do realize that sorry won't stop their enemies, right?" Alex says. "If they die, every vampire in existence will die as well." Alex looks up at Klaus. "Elijah and I were speaking about this earlier, you have no control over her, Klaus, you're wrapped around her finger." Klaus glares down at her, but he knew she was telling the truth. "You need to control her, locker her up or something."

"Hey, who are you to say what he has to do with me?" Camille asks, clearly upset, Alex looks at Camille.

"You're out of control, look what you've caused," Alex says. "You practically handed the only weapon that can kill them into their enemies hands, because you wanted to manipulate him," Camille growls at her. "You want to do what his enemies have failed to do, how did it work out for you?"

"You have no right, you don't know me," Camille says.

"I know everything about you, Camille," Alex says. "When you were born, who raised, and so much more."

"Camille, you don't want to pick a fight with her." Vincent says, he could sense the amount of power radiating from Alex. "She's too powerful."

"Listen to the witch," Alex says, Camille hisses at Alex showing her bravery, Alex's eyes turn blue giving her a warning.

"Listen to the witch," Alex says, Camille hisses at Alex showing her bravery, Alex's eyes turn blue giving her a warning

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"I'm not scared of someone with blue glow sticks for eyes," Camille says, clearly not receiving the warning.

"Stop it." Klaus says, he looks between Camille and Alex. "Both of you." Klaus takes notice of Vincent beginning to take his leave. "And where do you think you're going?" Vincent turns around to look at Klaus as Alex's eyes return to her normal colour.

"I'm going to try to locate the witch," Vincent says.

"Well then, by all means, please go, attend to your task," Klaus says, Vincent leaves not wanting to argue with Klaus, Camille begins to follow Vincent but Klaus grabs her forearm. "You, however, are not leaving my sight."

"You two probably have a lot to talk about," Alex says, she walks past Klaus, but he grabs her upper arm, stopping her.

"Where do you think you're going?" Klaus asks, Alex rips her arm out from his grasp showcasing her strength.

"Home, I'm hungry, I haven't eaten all day," Alex says. "And I don't exactly like having all these eyes on me." Alex looks around her at all the ghosts staring at her. "It's unpleasant."

"Oh, don't tell me you can see ghosts now," Camille says. "You need a therapist."

"Your uncle and your brother says hi," Alex says, Camille looks up at her shocked. "Now, excuse me."


Alex enters her apartment and saw Kol anxiously pacing around the living room, he looks up as soon as he heard the door close.

"You took your time getting home,"  Kol says, he walks up to Alex.

"Now it's our home?" Alex questions. 

"Now is not the time to play smart," Kol says, Alex lets out a sigh as she removes her jacket.

"Please, Kol, do share what is bothering you," Alex says.

"It's Davina... she's accepted The Strix offer."

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