3/12/17 *Closed*

712 20 27

Changed the theme from a happy place to the dark, hope it's better

Theme: The dark

That could be two sides, like good and evil. Or simply the dark at night or the absence of light.

Have fun with it be creative, you can put whatever you want in it. A hidden chamber in the dark, or monsters lurking out at night. Just go for it and enter!

Deadline: May 31st

Please, please, please! Comment or PM a theme. The end is nearing for this contest and it'll be time for the next one. A lot of people already are entered, so I assume it was a good theme. I want to keep it up, so let me know what you'd want, by giving an idea to the next theme. Thanks!

After you've entered please say you're in or something. Thank you.

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