2.35 ≫ irl

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"Soon we're gonna have to carry two little things." Sebastian commented.

"Children?" Scarlett raised a brow.

"Yeah yeah those things." Sebastian grinned.

"Your such a weirdo." Scarlett shook her head as she turned her attention to a sleeping Rascal and Mason.

"You know Mason loves Rascal. He prefers Rascals company over Bailey and Milton's." Scarlett commented.

"Isn't Rascal also your favorite? Plus Rascal is a pillow to Mason, they always take naps together." Sebastian smiled at sight of the two.

"Yeah." Scarlett yawned. "Let's go to the store. We ran out of pickles, and cake. Plus Mason told me he wanted more Danimals Yogurt, because apparently someone ate it." Scarlett looked at Sebastian for a confession, he only shrugged.

"It was Rascal. Now let's go." He replied before carefully helping her up.

"Let's just wait until Mason wakes up." Scarlett responded.


Scarlett had to admit, having twins was tiring. She had yawned for what seemed like the one hundredth time. Sebastian took notice.

"Hey, so did you get around to talking to Elsa and Zoe?" Asked Sebastian.

"Yes! I actually did, although they both tell me they're still trying to pull their stuff together." Scarlett smiled.

"They gave me decent advice on twins."

"Great, and I uh-have an idea." Sebastian replied.

"And what would that be?" Scarlett asked as she looked through the multiple cakes she was contemplating on getting.

"Well, the guys and gals know we're having a boy." Sebastian started, Scarlett only nodded.

"But they don't know that we're having boys." Sebastian finished.

"And what's that plan? You've literally pointed out the obvious." Scarlett replied.

"I was thinking that we don't tell anyone but Elsa and Zoe that we're having twins. Not until we bring our little guys home." Sebastian responded.

"That is about a three month plan. But I love it. Just imagine their reactions." Scarlett smirked.

"Tata! mamá, I see it!" Called their two year old son who had been scanning the aisle for his yogurt.

"The danimals?!" Asked Scarlett with excitement.

"Yes mama I see it!"

"Mason is speaking at an abnormally high rate." Sebastian mumbled.

"He is, but at least we can understand him."


IRRESISTIBLE ⇒ Sebastian Stan 2Where stories live. Discover now