2.07 ≫ texts

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{ chat between - Life 💕 and Love ❤️ }

Love ❤️:

Life 💕:
Yes love

Love ❤️:
Have you gone to your trailer yet?

Life 💕:
I have not.

Life 💕:
I'm just finishing up some filming for the day.

Love ❤️:
Okie dokie

Love ❤️:
Just asking

Life 💕:
On another note

Love ❤️:

Life 💕:
Has a package arrived at our house?

Life 💕:
Just asking

Love ❤️:
A really big package yes

Life 💕:
That's for you

Life 💕:
Your welcome

Love ❤️:
Oh snap!

Love ❤️:
I always wanted a giant bear!

Life 💕:
You've only mentioned that a few hundred times

Life 💕:
I really couldn't tell


Scarlett contemplated on whether or not she should open her trailer door. She knew Sebastian loved playing pranks on her and most of them involved scaring her half to death.

"I'm scared for you," Alicia spoke.

"You're staying in my trailer if I die you're going down with me," Scarlett replied.

Scarlett opened the trailer door and sent Mason in.

"What are you doing?! Don't send your child!" Alicia half screamed.

"Would you rather go in first?" Scarlett crossed her arms.

"Mason sweetie do you see anything?" Alicia asked.

Once they both assumed it was safe to walk in, they entered the trailer cautiously. The sound of one of Mason's toys made both of them jump into each other.

"I think we're safe," Scarlett concluded before turning the lights.

Scarlett gasped in astonishment at the surprise waiting for her; a little Mason ran towards her with one of the gifts.

"You scored in the Husband department."

Scarlett smiled as she tried not to cry, all the trouble he must have gone through just to get her a gift like this set up for her.

"I sure did."


valentines special i think.

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