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@Scarlett_Johansson: he's getting a new tux for the world premiere and is (sadly) cutting his hair.

@usera: my life is complete

@Anthony_Mackie: I have a bargain @Scarlett_Johansson

@Scarlett_Johansson: speak @Anthony_Mackie

@Anthony_Mackie: instead of fifty dollars. I'll give you fifty dollars worth of food @Scarlett_Johansson

@userb: I didn't think they were serious

@userc: these two are bringing life to the press tour

@imsebastianstan: @Anthony_Mackie you left me

@Scarlett_Johansson: omg yes! I would rather have the food. Especially pickles @Anthony_Mackie

@Anthony_Mackie: ok great! We can go out for lunch later

@imsebastianstan: wait pickles @Scarlett_Johansson? But you don't...ok

@Elizabeth_Olsen: I love pickles

@userd: can we appreciate the way Scarlett answered that sexist question?

@RDJ: we sure can @userd

@WellHayley: you girls did great @EmilyVanCamp @Elizabeth_Olsen @Scarlett_Johansson

@EmilyVanCamp: we did didn't we?

@Elizabeth_Olsen: we're strong independent women

@usere: aren't they all in relationships?

@Chris_Evans: don't ruin the moment @usere



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@Scarlett_Johansson: 😍😍😍

The future is bright.

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