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@Scarlett_Johansson: 💕💕💕

tagged: @imsebastianstan

@usera: they are still together !!!

@userb: get me a man like Sebastian

@RDJ: that's not even half of it...

@Alicia_Keys: were sharing the chocolate right?

@userc: this is so cute

@Chris_Evans: why didn't you send me anything for Valentine's Day @imsebastianstan?

@Chris_Hemsworth: I feel so hurt

@Anthony_Mackie: I want chocolate

@imsebastianstan: @Chris_Evans get your girlfriend to get you something.

@imsebastianstan: @Chris_Hemsworth @Anthony_Mackie you have wives that can buy you stuff

@userd: it's so great to see Seb active on Instagram again

@Renner4real: what did she get you @imsebastianstan?

@imsenastianstan: don't worry about it @Renner4real

@usere: 😉😉😉

@userf: oh

@Elizabeth_Olsen: I wish my boyfriend surprised me like this

@Chris_Evans: I did surprise you

@Elizabeth_Olsen: why can't you be more like Sebastian? He surprised his wife even though she's half way around the world from him!

@userg: well

@Scarlett_Johansson: same @userg



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@RDJ: because someone asked...here's the other part of the surprise


IRRESISTIBLE ⇒ Sebastian Stan 2Where stories live. Discover now