Brothers and Blood

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Trigger warning: mentions of blood, gore, and fighting

Eliza's legs burn as she sprints through the temple . A newfound strength rushing through her as thoughts of escape swirl in her head. The girl knows they won't have long before the missles strike. Burning the palace and her father to the ground once and for all. She knows Batman will not approve, but she hardly care. Eliza will finally, and truly be free.

The sounds of battle loom closer and closer as the girl nears the courtyard. The noise blinding her momentarily as she stops in her tracks. Chest heaving as she keels over in momentary pain. She forgets where she is, looking around her blankly before another flash of pain reminds her exactly where she is.

Eliza pushes open the large doors leading to the courtyard. The brass handle shaped as a snake almost hissing at her in warning not to enter.

The Black Temple is a beautiful and sacred place. With its classic temple structure built in the valley of two large, sprawling mountains. Surrounding the temple are twenty foot high stone walls painted as black as night and the courtyard lay just past the walls before the temple. The ground in the open area is laid out with grey stone and in the center of the large and empty space is an intricate design of a cobra swallowing the sun. Off to the side along the walls are the separate smaller temple. Which would house the warriors, kitchens, smaller training rooms, and some of the work her father performs.

Even from the angle Eliza stands at where she can only see the plaza and the high towering main temple she can still remember the exact layout of the entire building.

The building lies low in the mountains and the light of day is an odd sight amongst all the trees towers overhead as if protecting the palace and all its secrets. But now, small slivers of light flow through the dense brush, illuminating the battlefield before her.

Flashes of red, blue battle against the black yoroi of the temples warriors. Dick is occupied with five men, his bo staff wizzing gracefully around him as he shows no mercy to the men. Damian is in the center, his katana out of reach as he battles hand and hand with one of the warriors, fights swinging skillfully at his opponent before he delivers a final blow.

Bruce is not far away from the two boys. A bat-a-rang flashes deadly in the light before it strikes its victim and larger man uses the dark shade of the trees as his ally as he moves silently and swiftly.

Eliza notes the boys must have brought some extra "fire power" as another man with a shining red helmet and dark brown leather jacket fights furiously against his own clump of enemies. The last of her allies is a boy, much scrawnier than the last, though his movements are swift and calculated as the black and red spandex suit catches the girls eye.

Eliza's head burns painfully again. She knows the boy, she just can't remember him.

The pain subsides and Eliza moves into action. Knowing no matter how weak and frail she feels, she must fight with these men for her freedom, or die trying.

The girl surges forwards, moving down to grab a katana laying by one of the fallen warriors. The blade is delicate in her hand, the grip of the leather holt welcoming as she swings the katana gracefully around herself. Regaining her confidence with the weapon as a warrior takes notice of the girls presence. He's quick to notify the others of her presence as more warriors leave their previous fights to turn their attention to her. They know she is the real prize to be won.

The warriors flock Eliza, the first one rushing towards her as she readies herself.  Ignoring the protest of her weak bones as she swishes her blade delicately against the wind. Preparing to fight.

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