QUATRE | avant

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Maybe the truth is in your eyes — a vivid shade of torrid umber akin to our dirt-infused sighs. Fictile promises shattered as your grimy irises gazed into mine; can you hear it? The harrowing rhapsody of the archaic earthenware erupting into finely splintered ceramic? Even the flower pots are weary of your soilborne lies.

Still, the daffodils (genus Narcissus) bloom only for you (perennial Nymph).

Why is that?

Is it your elusive praise they wish for? If so, consider me amongst their ranks (though I renounce their namesake for I don't love myself nearly as much as I love you).

Yet your preoccupation with the flourish of yellow florets residing on our terracotta terrace leaves me to wonder if you still love me too.

I would have understood if you carried the same virescent nectar in your veins as the oh so precious bouquets that you have oh so carefully nurtured from sprightly seeds to healthy blossoms; however, the very ichor that drowns your insides is flushed a scarlet wine.

The same as mine.

So why not let your green thumb turn a little red for awhile?

And, maybe, gaze into my eyes with the sheen that yours used to bear whenever you smiled.

( Even if you must
pretend that they are the cobalt irises that you would rather be tending to in your garden — empty out my sockets of any last tissue and saturate them with soil
if you so choose! )

They say that eyes are the gateway to the soul, yet I'm not so sure — not when all I decipher is my own reflection in your optical luster.

Plot twist: I am your soul and you are mine.

Thus, forget all of the silver linings and half-assed lies that defined our melancholic midnights. This is our spring — our time to start anew! Let us go back to when I first met you. And promise me that once the time comes, you'll empty your cheeks of petal praise and suffuse the gossamer air with the language of flowers.

A mellifluous ode to the good ol' days.

Oh, and how I would die to see those daffodils rot green with jealousy as they chant elegies of,

"I miss you,

I miss you,


( Though they will
never miss you
as much as I do. )


P.S. — I have never been so envious of flowers. That is until I met you.

So first things first, I am extremely sorry that it took me so long to finally update. I really don't have any excuses other than that in the 1 year and 2 months that this story has sat on my profile gathering dust, changes have occurred in my life that limited the amount of time i had for writing. Besides that, I also felt a major lack of motivation and inspiration to even do so and, thus, most of my stories have been unpublished as a result. In spite of all of this, I decided to finally continue 'billet-doux,' which is quickly approaching its end

I hope that you all enjoy this chapter (even if it is all over the place) and I'll try my best to update as soon as possible!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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