He ripped off his shirt and walked into the bathroom, he stopped and looked at me. "I hope you know I will get you back for that."

"Common please don't it's not my fault you wouldn't wake up!"

"All you had to do was sit on me, or lay down next to me if I don't wake up, not throw a huge cup of water on me."

I smiled "you would like that wouldn't you."

He walked back next to me "yes, actually very much so."

"Well I'll remember that next time."

"Oooooh next time? I'm liking this." His grin kept getting bigger and bigger.

"Well not if you keep starring at me like that." I said kind of backing away.

"Oh please you like it, admit it."  oh believe I enjoyed every second of it.

"I'm not admitting to anything."

He got even closer to me, and I'm still slowly backing away.

"Well it looks like you don't have a choice." He ran next to me and I fell onto the bed and he started tickling me.

"Hahahahahaha Ryan, noooo. Haha" I couldn't help but scream in laughter. "Get haha offfff me!"

"Then admit it."

"Hahahaha fine, I LIKE IT!" I couldn't help it, being tickled is my weakness, I can't stand it.

"Good" he smiled and laid down next to me.

I was about to stand up but then I felt his big warm arms wrap around me.

"What are you doing?"

"Going back to sleep, what are you doing?"

"But it's almost twelve in the afternoon."

"I'm not moving, I'm very comfortable."

I gave in and rested my head against his chest. I could get use to this!


*knock knock*

"hey guys I made food" spencer opened the door. "Woah what have you two been doing."

I slowly opened my eyes to Spencer looking down at me and Ryan.

I was snuggled up against Ryan's chest and he had his arms wrapped around me.

"Sleeping Spencer, go away." Ryan said in his deep morning voice.

"Fine, I just thought you guys would want to wake up before it goes on to four."

I stretched and sat up "yeah Ryan let's go do something."

"But I'm enjoying sleeping next to you."

"Well now you can enjoy going to do something with me."

He opened his eyes immediately "what kind of things would we be doing?" Then spencer turned around toward the door as fast as he could as said "I'm out" and slammed it shut behind him.

"I haven't really decided yet, just get up so we can go do something." I said smiling at him.

 He groaned and stood up, all I noticed was his hair. It was messy but it was a really good look for him.

He went and stood next to the the door way. "Are you coming, this was your idea."

"Yesssssss" I walked past him, I could tell he was looking me up and down, but I chose to pretend like I didn't notice.

He jumped in front of me and ran out the door, and yelled "hurry up I want to show you something!"

"Show me what?"

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