Chapter 1 - Awake

Start from the beginning

Naruto was in the path of becoming someone great.

-----5 Years Later-----

Naruto had grown up to be a feminine, yet, dangerous kind of boy. He had his waist length blonde hair with black streaks tied up into a high ponytail and his fringe was covering his right eye (A/N: Think of Rem from Re Zero). His sharp, mismatched frost blue and bright violet - that is covered by the fringe - darted left to right and his long, soft, porcelain fingers was in a flurry of hand signs. His pink, full lips pursed while his sharp nose crinkled when he narrowed his eyes dangerously. His long legs spreaded apart as he inhaled then exhaled. He looked around of his surroundings. Dangerous indeed.

He closed his eyes and felt for a specific chakra type. He searched and searched and found it. BINGO!

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!" he cried out as a tornado of fire shot out from his mouth.

You could hear an 'Oh fuck!' somewhere and a person came out. He had a spiked ponytail and a small smile gracing his face. The man was known to be Uchiha Shisui. Cousin of Uchiha Itachi and the bratty younger brother, Uchiha Sasuke. He was also Naruto's god-cousin as well as a full-fledged ANBU Black Ops captain along with Uchiha Itachi unlike him, who was still training to his full potential. Naruto stared at the man in front of him and giggled. He liked how his fireball made Shisui's hair stand up a bit as if an experiment gone wrong so it exploded and puffed up the scientist's hair.

Naruto jumped down from the high branch he was on and landed catlike on the ground. Shisui whistled impressively and clapped. He never had thought Naruto improved this much. He had just came back from an assassination mission and found Naruto eating a dango stick so he thought Naruto had been slacking off, he had to test the blond foxy.

"I'm impressed, you actually made it bigger than Fugaku-ojii's," Shisui praised.

Naruto scowled playfully at the raven in front of him. He hadn't gotten the chance to thank the raven yet for teaching him yet. He had already thanked his Hiruzen-ojii and Danzo-ojii. The only two he hasn't thanked yet were Itachi and Shisui themselves. So... yeah. He was going to thank him now.

"Sorry for messing up your hair," Naruto's sweet, soothing voice apologized as Naruto himself pointed to his own hair.

"Ah... it's okay. I heard that you want to tell me something by Sara-hime. What is it?" Shisui interrogated.

'Ah... Sara-nee is at it again. Telling people things I don't want them to hear,' Naruto thought with a mental giggle.

Naruto looked at the raven in front of him and sighed. He opened his arms and jumped out to hug the raven. The raven was taken aback at first but eased into the hug. Shisui hugged back and Naruto guggled.

"Thank you for teaching me and raising the bratty me for 5 years. I owe you and the other three that," Naruto smiled.

Shisui chuckled at the statement. He himself felt as the time went by too fast. One minute he was 17 and the next, 22 years old.

"No problem otouto. Just remember not to fireball my hair next time we meet or next time I won't even need a hairdryer," Shisui joked.

Naruto laughed heartily and clutched his stomach. Once he was done, he looked at his brother figure and smiled. He suddenly just realised, Shisui talked about the Princess of the Land of Autumn, also known as his onee-chan. He immediately brightened up. His onee-chan was back.

"That reminds me, have you seen Sara-nee anywhere?" Naruto asked with a quizzed look. Shisui shook his head at his otouto's antics.

"Idiot," Shisui mumbled, "she's at the Hokage's Tower along with Minato-sama, Kushina-sama, Kimiko-san, Kage-san, Menma-san and Mito-san."

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