Rouges! Warriors outside and everyone else to the bunker.

I felt the panic set in my body as I felt people pushing me in the direction of the bunker. I could hear people yelling and I could see warriors giving a kiss to their loved ones before shifting and taking off into the woods. I started panicking. Was James going to be okay? What if he died? I'd die? I couldn't live without my mate?

"Ben! Come on, we need to get in the bunker." I heard James Dad, Sam, shout at me. I nodded and jogged over to the entrance of the safe room. He closed the door behind us because we were the last one before he pushed me down the hallway. The bunker, or safe room, was a room in the pack house that was used if the pack was under attack. We usually didn't have to go there that often because we were a very strong pack so not many people just came here looking for an attack.

After walking through the hallway we came to another door that two warriors were guarding. Once they saw both the Luna and me they quickly opened the door and let us through. The second we got in James dad pulled me over to the area where he usually stayed. It was in the middle of the room so he could keep the majority of the pack calm. I guess since I was going to be Luna that would be one of my jobs.

"Ben, come on lets go hang out with the pack. It's not good to worry, it'll just cause both you and James to panic. Trust me, he's fought before; he'll be fine." Sam softly told me as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I smiled softly up at him making him smile back down at me before he placed a kiss on top of my head.

I followed him over to the middle area of the room where most of the pack was gathered around. Almost all of them were sitting on couches and chairs that were placed all over the room. I saw Alice talking to a couple of girls that were a few years older then us. Both Sam and I sat down on a couch making everyone turn their attention to us. I blushed and looked down earning a laugh out of everyone.

"So, there weren't that many rouges. Okay? Everyone should be fine, just don't panic." Everyone stared at the Luna as he spoke calmly. If you just looked at him and listened to him it would seem as if he was fine, like he wasn't worried in the slightest. But I could tell, he was worried. His mate was out fighting while he was inside trying to keep a bunch of pack members, who had family and friends out there, calm.

"Everyone talk and hang out. Hopefully we won't be in here for too long." Sam finished with a smile. Everyone seemed to relaxed slightly before turning back into their original conversations. I sat there looking around the room for a few minutes before I felt a light tapping on my shoulder.

Looking over I saw a little boy with platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes looking at me. I smiled at him making him blush but smile back none the less.

"C-can you read his to me?" He asked softly while holding up a book. I read the title and saw it was a favorite book of mine from when I was younger, Where the Wild Things Are. Nodding I moved over and patted the spot next to me. He jumped up on the couch with a huge smile plastered on him face after he handed me the book.

"W-what's your n-name?" I asked him after he got situated. Looking up at me his cheeks seemed to grow a tad bit darker as he answered.

"M-my name is Enzo. It's weird." Enzo's nose seemed to turn up slightly when he told me his name.

"I l-like it. It's unique." I told him honestly. His eyes seemed to brighten when I told him that. I giggled to myself softly before I opened that book and started reading it to him. As I stuttered my way through reading the book more and more kids seemed to gather around to listen. I slowly stopped stuttering as much and by the end of the book I wasn't stuttering at all.

Once I was finished with the book all of the kids ran back to wherever they were before, except for Enzo. I handed him his book back with a smile making him smile in return.

"You're very nice." He told me as he jumped on me to give me a hug. I was shocked and slightly tense but hugged him back. He pulled back but stayed on the couch as he just looked around the room.

Everything is fine, the rouges are now gone. You can all come out of the bunker.

James father, Corey's, voice rang through my head making me sigh. Looking over at Enzo I grabbed his hand and walked him to outside the bunker. I saw Sam smiling at me making me blush and turn away. Once we got out of the bunker Enzo let go of my hand and ran over to two women that opened their arms to him. Everyone rushed around looking at their family and friend making sure nobody was too badly injured. From the looks of it everyone was going to be okay.

I started looking around for James and let a smile break out on my face when I saw the familiar face. I ran over to him and jumped in his arms getting the all too familiar sensations only he could ever make me feel. I buried my head in his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing himself closer to me.

"A-are you okay? You're not hurt right?" I asked quickly as I pulled away from his neck. James nodded and pecked my lips quickly. He started walking farther into the pack house and up to our room.

Once we got to the room James looked a bit shocked to see how much was packed up.

"I thought I said to take a nap. Not pack up everything. I could have helped." James told me as he set me down before taking his shirt and shorts off.

"I couldn't s-sleep. So I just packed up most of the stuff." I whispered softly as I took off my sweatpants and shirt that now had sweat and blood on them. I walked over to a box that had James sweatshirts in them and grabbed a Nike one out.

"It's fine I just don't want you doing too much." My mate muttered, before turning around as I put of the sweatshirt. He smiled at me as I blushed and quickly walked over to the bed. James chuckled at my actions as he told me that he was going to take a shower. After he walked into the bathroom I pulled out my phone, plugging it in, before sending a quick text to Alice saying we couldn't hang out today. She texted back saying she understood, and I made sure to make plans to hang out with her soon.

I tried to stay up for James but sleep was pulling me in. I let my eyes drop shut before the darkness fell over me. The last thing I remember was a kiss being placed on top of my head before I let darkness consume me.

Hey, I need some names. I am bad at coming up with guy names so it would be extremely helpful if you guys could help me think of some. Thank you!


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