Chapter 2

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Me, Edd, and Matt all walk into the busy school seeing people we have known since elementary school pass by. I stop by my locker and try to get it open. It won't budge.
"God damn it!" I kick the locker. "Oh my goooood! OPEN YA DAM-" I cut myself off seeing as it opened up.
"Finally" I let out a sigh. I start to head off to class but a guy in a red hoodie hits into me followed by three other guys. One is in a green shirt, another in purple, and the shortest in blue. I hiss at them from under my breath and walk to my first class.

//time skip to lunch//

I open the doors to the cafe and make my way through the maze of tables and people to my regular table. It's the second one from the back. Edd is already there and when he notices me heading over he gives me a warming smile.
Heh, Edd can be so innocent at times. Always happy and never mad. Wish I was like that.
Soon after I sat down the door burst open and in came the ginger boy with his phone is one hand and brush in another. He sprinted towards us and almost ran right into the table but instead tripped over the bench and fell over. He quickly got back up.
"GUYS  GUYSSSS!" He said fairly loud.
"Yea what's up Matt?" Edd said sounding curious.
"Yea" Me and Edd said .
"THEY GOT IN A FIGHT WITH SOMEONE!" Matt said yelling pretty loud so people turned towards us.
"WAIT WHAT?!" Edd yelled back to Matt
"Not much of a surprise" I say then stuff food in my mouth.
"But I heard it was really baaad!!" Matt sounded concerned and stupid at the same time.
"Who was in the fight Matt?!" Edd exclaimed.
"Uuummmm some guy and then those other three dudes... think the guys name was Todd?" Matt said confused at his own words.
"Is there a Todd at this school? Wait I think you messed up the name Matt." Edd said then paused.
"I think u meant to say Tord, right Matt?" I said before Edd could continue.
"Yea Todd!" Matt said and yet again saying Todd.
Tord.... the most popular guy, all the girls wanted him. Dunno why though. His hair? His devil horned hair? Or his accent? His Norwegian accent? Hmm dunno.
"Oi Matt ya know who won the fight?" I said
"Uuummm I think Todd did." Matt answered
"Wonder how it started..." Edd said, his mind wandering.



I rushed into the school a little worried if someone would notice my face. I had a black eye and I didn't want anyone to see it and ask what happened. I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going cause I ended up hitting someone I didn't notice who though. I heard some footsteps from behind me, fairly close to me and I didn't like it one bit. I turned a corner about to reach the door to the court yard. Then someone pulled my hood on my sweatshirt and I fell backwards and then to the ground. Embarrassing.
"Get up loser" The guy said.
I get up and realize it was Eduardo who pulled me down.
"What do you want?" I hisses at him.
"Oh nothing really," He paused looking around."But to punch you."
Mark and Jon came out from behind me through the court yard doors. I realized that and I ducked as mark tried to hit me with a metal pole. I turned quickly punching him in the stomach and running outside.
Better do it outside so nobody notices us.
Eduardo, Mark, and Jon all walk outside together. Mark has a pole. Eduardo has put on brass knuckles. And Jon... he had nothing. He better stay out of it.
"Are your scared mister Norwegian man?" Eduardo said smirking.
"No, just thought we should get a better setting before really starting" I said while putting my hands in my pockets.
We all looked at each other know what would happen next. We fixed any weapons we had into comfortable hands and waited for the first move to be made.


Also 14 reads? Not much but yay! People readin mai stuff! K bai!

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