"She was with me last night."

And then, Jihyo takes her bad from the floor, which was thrown by her before. "I have to go right now. Sorry that I can't stay any longer. Please take care of Mina," Jihyo nods towards Mina. She gives Chaeyoung a brief smile, and then she leaves in rush, not even farewell Chaeyoung or say a thanks. Chaeyoung left there with Mina, her head filled with questions.

Chaeyoung closes the door and stirs her heels, heading towards Mina. She eyes Mina for a moment. She loosens Mina's shoes, puts it beside the door. Honestly, she also wants to change Mina's clothes. She looks uncomfortable with that tight jeans. But, she thinks she can't handle naked stuffs no more. So, she didn't do anything about her clothes.

She tidies Mina's stuffs for minutes. When she finished, she stands beside Mina's bed, staring at the sleeping girl, who looks so damn beautiful.

She chuckles. "That's not fair, Mina. I sleep with my mouth open widely, while you sleep and snore but still look like a damn princess."

She laughs at her own words. She halts afterwards, her eyes solely study Mina's face. "What exactly happened to you?" she asks to Mina. Well, it's obvious that Mina isn't able to answer that, but Chaeyoung just wanted to say it. She just wanted to know Mina better, to know why she behaves like this.

And because she's aware that it's useless to talk with a sleeping girl, Chaeyoung jumps to her own bed, trying to sleep. Although she can't even stop thinking about the girl across the room.


Mina wakes up and directly scurries to the loo, vomiting all the stuffs she drink last night. She spent about 10 minutes inside the loo, and comes out in her weak state. She sees Chaeyoung's sitting on her bed, a bottle of water on her hand.

"Here," Chaeyoung quickly stands up and hands Mina the water. Mina shakes her head, rejecting it, but Chaeyoung, being adamant, forces the bottle towards Mina. And so, Mina takes it. Well, she needs to drink anyway.

The water is warm, which is so helpful for her sore throat. She sips it slowly and cautiously, her throat is hurting right now and she's kinda regretting drinking that much.

After Mina drank the water, Chaeyoung hands another stuff to her. "This one too." It's a medicine. Mina, being a good girl, takes it without any argument.

"The medicine would reduce the pain on your throat. No more queasy." Mina nods. She swallows the medicine, although it's hurting her just to swallow it.

And when Mina's done drinking, their eyes meet.

What happened? "Are you okay?"

Mina nods, thinly smiling. "Yes, I'm totally fine. The medicine really helps. Thank you."

"Should I buy you a porridge too? If you want, I could go buy it for you."

Mina shakes her head weakly, massaging her throbbing temples. "No, Chaeyoung. You really don't have to do that. Just, let me take a rest for a while."

It's probably the last thing Chaeyoung could do for now, giving Mina a time. So, she steps back and nods. "Sure."

Mina sits on her bed, laying her body there. She closes her lids, but obviously she's not sleeping. She's just resting herself for minutes.

What happened, Mina? Where were you staying that night? There are so many questions on Chaeyoung's head. She just can't say it out aloud. Not even a single one. Mina looks so tired, and apparently doesn't want someone to annoy her. So, Chaeyoung stays silent, back to her bed again and keeps shut.

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