Chapter 0: The First Battle for the Grail

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          "So, what do you think Lancer?", a man dressed in a suit said as he walks down the hall of an abandoned school. He himself had gray, short hair and was of average height. Around him are dusty doors and rusted lockers. "Still better than that smelly hole under that bridge.", answered the man in bronze solid armor walking behind him. He was taller, and larger than the man in the suit. He also had dark hair, and a dark beard.

          The man in the suit put his hand on the ground, then a blue pulse left his hand, surging around the school. The man in the suit then said, "I sense no traces of mana. This ground is clear of magical beings."

         The man in bronze sat down on a nearby stairwell and said, "I guess we can sit down and relax."

         The man in the suit turned around and said, "Looks like a good place to have our base of operations during the War." He put his hand on the ground.

          "Another check?"

          "No, just setting a magical Barrier.", He stood up and said, "Barrier set, now..."

         The man in the suit paused before saying, "Damn, not even a minute, and we already have an intruder."

         "Is it a bird or something?"

         "No, not with ripples this big in my barrier. The only thing that can cause this is a Servant."

          The man in bronze sighed, "Just when I got comfortable too. Well, what are your orders, my master?"

          "Well, I suppose it is time for the first battle to be fought."

          Outside of the school, a man with slanted eyes, a black ponytail, and black plated armor over a black robe, stood, surveying the area. "I passed through a magical barrier, meaning that a master should be here." From the roof of the school, the man in bronze stood in front of the moon, shouting, "What the hell are you doing trespassing here." He jumped down to the ground, and readied his spear when he landed. "Word on the street is that you're a servant.", continued the man in bronze.

          The man in black looked at him and asked, "Can I assume you to be my first opponent?" The man in bronze readied himself to charge. "I see.", the man in black said as he whipped his bow out and shot an arrow at the man in bronze quickly.

          The man in bronze blocked the fired arrow with a shield he carried. "A bow, huh?" the man in bronze said. "You must be one of the Archer class." The man in black responded, "Yes, and judging from that spear, you must be one of the Lancer class." Lancer charged at Archer with full speed. Archer responds by shooting 3 arrows simultaneously at Lancer's head. Lancer blocked all 3 arrows with his shield. Lancer got into arm's length of Archer, and jabbed at him repeatedly with his spear. Archer dodged each blow flawlessly, and sweep-kicked Lancer. While Lancer recovered, Archer jumped back, and fired another arrow at Lancer, which Lancer had to roll out the way for, and continued his charge when he got back on his feet. Lancer took another jab at Archer, but his spear was blocked by archer's bow, and as the two struggle, the man in the suit made it out the school to witness the duel. "Unbelievable, this is a battle between two servants."

          Then he felt a disturbance and said, "Impossible, more servants in the area." A large man in a furry coat and solid black armor jumped in between the two servants, wielding a double-edged battle-axe. Archer took a step back from the new combatant, while Lancer said to the man, "Who the hell are you?" The man in fur screamed and struck Lancer, which he blocked with his shield, but Lancer struggled to keep his shield against the axe. The man in the suit saw this and told Lancer, "Watch it, that oaf is a Berserker!". "What!", responded Lancer. Archer, upon hearing this, retreated, leaving Lancer to contend with Berserker. While the two servants clashed, another appeared, shouting a native language, making the ground around them explode. A woman inside a mortar, wearing an elk skull on her head, appeared, and continued striking the ground around them. Berserker became annoyed, and turned his attention from Lancer to the woman. Berserker charged, while Lancer readied for another strike. The man in the suit shouted, "No, this too much, we have to leave now!" Lancer paused for a minute, and said," As you wish master." Lancer and the man in the suit left the school, leaving Berserker and the woman fighting.

          The two ran far from the school, and stopped by a stream. "Damn, that was rough, Master, any idea on who those guys were?" Lancer asked. The man responded, "No, but I know that we dealt with an Archer, a Berserker, and a Caster Servant." Lancer made his weapons disappear before saying, "So, I guess back to that hole under the bridge to plan out our next move huh?"

          The man in the suit answered, "Well."

          "Damn, I guess I better get used to smelling like crap."

         "Lancer wait, we won't be working from the sewers. I got a job in this area for the War, which will give us a base of operations during our time here."

          "Nice, so I won't be the Smelly Servant."

          The man in the suit chuckled. "No, Lancer, you will not."

         "I should be glad to have a master that know what they're doing. So, what's our next move Master?"

         The man in the suit paused. "We're going home, and Lancer, call me Henry."

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