At which point Madam Pomfrey told her to lay back and rest, and that everything would be fine.

After awaking slowly, Colin also began to talk -"There was a huge snake! I saw it! I wonder if I got a picture!"- but Madam Pomfrey gave them all hot chocolate and said to lay and rest a moment. Ginny heard all this through the curtains around the beds. When the curtains were removed both Hermione and Colin were very happy to see Ginny. She was relieved to realize they hadn't seen her during the attack. Of course she knew they would eventually hear the story, Harry and Ron would waste no time telling Hermione, but for now Ginny didn't want to have to worry about it.

Mr and Mrs Weasley stayed by their daughters side after leaving Dumbledore's office. They were joined by another Weasley when Percy came running in, worried about both Ginny and Penelope.

Once Ginny and the petrified ones felt up to it, they headed down to the Great Hall in there pajamas, and a most enjoyable celebration was held.

Although Ginny felt much better than she had when Tom was taking control of her, Ginny did not immediately go back to being herself. It was impossible for Ginny to entirely forget all the harm she had caused. And all her fellow students seemed unsure how to treat Ginny after she had been dragged into the Chamber by the monster. And Ginny didn't seem our conversation or company like she used to.

Now, two days later, Ginny felt lonely, rather sad, and shut out by everyone. She sniffed loudly. And to top it all off she'd got a cold from being in that freezing cold Chamber. Ginny sniffed again and wiped her nose on the sleeve of her huge sweater.

"Ginny," said a friendly voice.

Ginny looked up and blushed almost immediately. There stood Harry. He didn't exactly look like anything special -a scrawny twelve year old with messy black hair, round glasses and a scar- but he smiled kindly at Ginny, and in that smile she found all  warmth and friendliness her lonely little heart needed.

He held up a box.

"Exploding snap?" Harry asked.

Ginny's face broke into a smile. She nodded. Ginny slid off the chair and onto the floor beside Harry. He opened the box and dumped out the cards. Soon Ginny's melancholy was lost in the bursts of laughter that came from her and Harry and the cards exploded around them.

Later that day a knock sounded on the Gryffindor common room door. Everyone was surprised to see McGongall come in - many people thought, for a panicking second, that an attack had occurred.

"Miss Weasley, cone with me please," said McGonagall.

Ginny blushed red as she hurried across the room and hurried out the door with McGonagall.

"Professor Dumbledore would like to speak to you," said McGonagall.

Ginny's heart began to pound nervously. Why did he want to speak to her? Had he decided she would be expelled from Hogwarts after all?

It was an anxious and mentally straining five minutes to Dumbledore office as Ginny ran theories back and forth in her head.

Ginny had never been in Dumbledore office before, but in her anxious state of mind she barely even noticed the oddly shaped instruments placed about the room, or the portraits of past Hogwarts headmasters and Headmistress, or the same red and gold bird who had come into the Chamber with Harry, who was now sitting on perch.

All Ginny saw was Albus Dumbledore sitting at his desk. Although his blue eyes twinkled as kindly as ever, Ginny approached his desk cautiously.

"Miss Weasley! Do have a seat," said Dumbledore.

Ginny sat. Dumbledore folded his hands together then began to speak.

"Has anything been troubling you since you came from the Chamber?" he asked.

Ginny shook her head.

"I see . . . But you have seemed rather quiet ever since," said Dumbledore, his eyes searched her face. "Do you, perhaps, still feel guilty over everything that happened?"

Slowly, Ginny nodded. Her eyes became rather blurred from oncoming tears.

Dumbledore nodded.

"As I thought. It is natural to feel guilty over harm we have done other people, but this was not  you yourself do it hurt any one. You have absolutely no reason to feel guilty. You were being controlled by very dark magic."

Ginny nodded, and sniffed a little.

"It want you to forget all about it," said Dumbledore. "Don't think about any of it for an instant. Enjoy the rest of the school year; it's beautiful outside and there are no exams! What could be better then non exams, although I wouldn't say no to a bag of lemon drops myself."

Ginny gave a watery smile.Dumbledore continued.

"Sometimes people get stuck in there past, and they find themselves always looking backward rather than foreword. Don't allow this to happen to yourself. It won't bring you any happiness. Do you understand?"

Ginny nodded.

"Good girl," said Dumbledore. "Now, off you go. Go enjoy yourself, go laugh, go be with friends. And don't dwell on the shame or enemies that live in the past. Forgive what has happened for happening."

Ginny frowned slightly at the "enemies "part but didn't say anything as she got to her feet.

Dumbledore watched the girl cross the room with worry clouding his eyes.

Then Ginny stopped in the door. "Thank you Professor."

A smile had crept across her face. A smile that said, she would be okay.

Dumbledore smiled back, satisfied. "You're very welcome."

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