Chapter 21

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(Sam POV)

I stared blankly at the sea before me as I leaned against the railing of the crows nest.

It had been 9 weeks since the Kings death, but it felt like ages since I had lost her.

The Caspian people got their freedom back. Their gold returned, and no casualties amongst them, they continued to thrive and had even set up trade agreements with several pirate ports.

The Captains of Lillian's fleet refused to leave The Maelstrom's side although they had completed their part in the war. The kings personal treasure had been collected in full and divided amongst the crews as Lillian had intended.

A blur of motion swept past my vision as Leo landed on the rail above me. He nodded and sat on the rail, balancing casually as though his life was in no danger at all.

This had become habit since we had returned to the ship after the battle. His company, although silent, was comforting. I could see now why Lillian liked the fellow. He had a natural confidence about him. Like he could predict the outcome of his actions.

Leo was an intimidating man but to the select few he had allowed close enough, we could tell that he was much kinder and friendlier than he let on.

He sat with me for hours until he finally spoke.

"She's not gone you know. Only restin'."

I turned to look at him before I looked back to the sea. "The doctors said that if she didn't wake up by the 4th week she may never wake up again."

"Aye, but we know Lillian. She be a strong lass. Stronger in will than most men we know. She will recover from this. She only needs time. Have faith my friend." He reached down and squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. "I'm going to go check up on her, is there anything you need?"

I shook my head, "No, but thank you mate."

"I be sure that the lass misses you Sam, go see her. Now is when she be needin' you the most." He replied before swinging down to the deck.

I sighed, he didn't understand. I couldn't see her like that anymore. If she truly didn't wake up from her injury I wanted to remember her as the strong woman whose bravery and leadership saved an entire kingdom. The Princess of land and sea. Not the woman who couldn't do more than swallow thin watered down gruel.

But he is right. You haven't been to visit her in weeks. You haven't felt her warm skin in ages and you were beginning to think that she would truly never wake.

Lillian needs you now more than ever.

I stood and began the slow climb back down to the deck.

As my feet thumped against the solid wood the cabin door burst open Leo quickly grabbed my arm and hauled me in.

"What are you doing? Release me you oaf." I rolled my eyes

"Ye'll be more than pleased to see this." Was all he said as he hurried into the room.

I froze on the spot at the sight before me.

Lillian was propped up against a mound of pillows talking quietly to Doug. As soon as she noticed our appearance she stopped and turned to me, a relieved smile on her paled face.

Lillian's Mercy: King slayerWhere stories live. Discover now