Chapter 16

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(Sam POV)

I sat on a stack of crates by the docks looking up to the crows nest. The ships would be ready to sail today, stocked to the brim for all 80 of the galleons crew. The Maelstrom was ready for war.

Since the scuffle against Sully, Tortuga's brute drunk, Lillian had not come down from the crows nest, and I had not stopped wondering why.

She hasn't killed the man, on the contrary. She put the man in his place faster than most men have, but gave him the longest recovery time yet. Still, I had never imagined that the basic lessons she'd been given would have brought her this far.

It was as though she took the lessons and added her own little twists to make them more efficient for her purposes.

When she had first come to The Maelstrom, she was gentle and innocent. Like a new born kitten.

Now though, she had grown into a full blown lioness.

She's a better pirate than all of your men combined!

I smiled at the thought. Indeed she was. But unlike the boys, Lillian did not brag about her victories. I had come to learn that she saw them as inconvenient bumps in the road.

She fought with pride and dignity and never cheated her mark. She moved with such grace and certainty that she seemed to be unbeatable.

Even when we had first arrived at the tavern several men had challenged her with their glares, but a glare of her own dared them to try something. That glare had some of the most experienced pirates averting their gazes.

I envied the power that radiated from her. The authority and obedience she commanded as she spoke. At first I had marked it all up to her land-status, but now I also saw it as her Sea-status.

Lillian wasn't just the princess of the Caspian people, she was the princess of land and sea. Earning respect from all those that crossed her path.

"Somethin' bothering' ya Cap'n?" Doug's voice startled me from my thoughts.

I looked back to the crows nest. "She hasn't come down yet." I stated.

Doug turned, following my gaze before nodding apprehensively.

"Women be havin' more emotions than us men folk. They be overthinkin' and worryin' over every little detail, they be. Thats what be making' her a great pirate." He sighed wistfully.

After a moment of silence he spoke again. "Perhaps ye should be makin' sure she be alright up there." He shrugged and returned to keeping the men in line as they loaded the last of the supplies onto the ship. A group of Captains sauntered over.

"Cap'n Lynch." They bowed their heads respectfully. "Me and the boys here be wantin' ta meet this princess of yours."

"Aye. I'll set up an appointment." I winked before turning back to the crows nest and releasing a high pitched whistle. A wave of long curly black hair blew over the rail of the nest as Lillian looked down. She nodded curtly before swinging down to the deck by a rope.

She landed gracefully and casually walked over the gangplank. "Cap'n." She nodded.

"Lilly, these are the Fleet Captains. They wished to introduce themselves." He smiled.

"Truly a pleasure to meet you Lilly." One bowed his head.

"It is Lillian to you. We may be working together but you've not earned the right to my nickname." Lillian replied as she bowed her head respectfully a contradiction to her words.

The captains chuckled , "I be likin' her fire already."

"Good." Lillian replied, "Then you'll help me feed the flames we will bring down upon the king and his supporters."

"Straight to tha' point. I like that." Another captain smirked.

"Ye have plenty o' confidence fer such a task." The captain spoke.

"She has every right to be confident. Lillian has proved her worth plenty of times." I spoke, earning a glance from Lillian.

"With you and your crews behind me we can do this. I've lived there my whole life- up until a few months ago. I know those lands better than any. My people are supporting us as well. They are waiting to hear from their scout to launch the initial attack." She explained.

The Captains nodded as they formed a new respect for the woman before them.

"For you princess, we will fight." One captain spoke.

"Good. Then finish up with your preparations. We leave the docks before dusk." She inclined her head respectfully and turned back to the ship.

"She be the one that beat Sully to a pulp?" One man chuckled.

"Aye." I nodded.

"When I first heard about it I was skeptical about the truth in it. But now that I've met the lass, I would never have dared to raise my sword against her."

"Aye, she be mighty fearsome for a woman." Another agreed.

"It'll be an honor to fight by her side."

"Aye, tonight we head for war by the Princess' side. Who would have thought that a bunch of pirates would end up as a fleet of royal warriors?"

The men took their leave chuckling about the wounded town drunk.

I sighed and stood from my seat and made my way to the mast. I climbed until I reached the top.

Lillian sat against the worn wood as she gazed out to sea, not even flinching at my sudden presence.

"You've been up here for quite some time now." I stated as I sat beside her.

"Its easier to think up here." She sighed.

"That's why I spent most of my time up here when you left. It was peaceful."

"Do you think I'm leading these men to their deaths?" She asked quietly.

"They all knew the risks and were given a chance to back out. They are prepared to die if that is what it takes." I replied reassuringly.

"Why? They owed you a favor, not me. I am a stranger to them."

"But they already respect you Lilly. You've already built quite a name for yourself. They call you the Princess of land and sea you know? The boys haven't shut up about it since you set old Sully straight." I smiled.

"Their knowledge of me has been created by the stories they've heard. They are giving me their respect and I've not earned it." She shook her head sadly.

"You are not alone on this Lillian. The crew and I support you. You have earned every last bit of respect that comes your way. Now stop being stubborn and let's get some work done." I stood and motioned to the rope.

She rolled her eyes but smiled anyways as she climbed onto the Bannister and checked the deck below before launching herself down. I chuckled and began the climb back down the mast.

"You never Jump." She pouted as she waited with her arms crossed.

"Its dangerous. You could break a leg or an arm , or you could always fall to your death." I shrugged as I headed to the helm.

"A pirate afraid of danger?" She laughed. "Admit it, you just don't take risks."

"I take plenty of risks!" I protested."I  let you stay didn't I?"

"That was not a risk!" She mocked hurt. "That was a blessing from me to you." She winked and sauntered off to help the crew finish the loading.

Lillian's Mercy: King slayerWhere stories live. Discover now