Chapter 18

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I woke up to the cool morning breeze, the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon. Beside me sat the Captain, his head against the rail behind him as he slept. He had draped his jacket over us to keep warm while we silently watched the night sky, a beautifully peaceful and soothing silence.

Apparently we had also fallen asleep.

As I looked up to the birds in the sky Sam moved beside me. "Good morning." He smiled sleepily.

"Good morning." I smiled back.

"Today's a big day." He stated as he stretched out his limbs.

"Indeed. I've got to find Leo and tell him his part in the plan. You need to figure out who's going to blow up the gates." I sighed and stood for my own stretch.

"Can we go to the galley first? I'm starving." He groaned.

"Fine but only if you jump down with the rope later." I winked and grabbed the rope in question.

"Can't you just climb the mast like a normal person?" He grinned as I sat on the rail.

"Then I wouldn't truly be myself now would I?" I leaned in and whispered like I was sharing a big secret.

He smiled and moved a strand of hair from my face. "You are absolutely bonkers Lillian Rosemere."

"And you are too busy being 'normal' Samuel Lynch." I winked and jumped from the rail. In mid-flight I turned to spot Leo rushing towards me on a rope of his own. He grinned and swooped in as I let go of the rope, grabbing me before I made contact with the deck.

I squealed and laughed in delight as he soared around the mast before dropping me to the deck. I landed less smoothly than usual but still could not resist the urge to laugh as adrenaline continued to shoot through my veins.

"That was bloody marvelous Leo!" I grinned and clapped his shoulder. "Were headed to the galley for some breakfast, would you like to join us?"

Leo turned to the Captain a hesitant look upon his face. "Are ya sure it be alright with your Captain?"

"Nonsense! I'm sure Captain Lynch would be pleased to get to know you more. Wouldn't you?" I turned to Sam and smiled.

"Of course, come on then, we've little time to waste today." He smiled and nodded towards the galley stairs.

Leo grinned and followed us. The galley had been empty until we arrived, the only crewman present was Doug as he prepared our morning meals.

"Ah! And who might this be?" He smiled as he looked up from his pot.

"Doug, this is Leroy. Leroy this is Douglas." I grinned through the introduction. "Leo has agreed to teach a group of men his wonderful airborne skills to aid in our strategy."

"His airborne skills...?" Doug asked curiously as he handed us each a steaming mug of coffee with a plate of eggs and salted pork.

"He flies between ropes and masts like a lost god! You must see it sometime, it is absolutely brilliant!"

"Lilly, calm down and eat your food." Sam chuckled.

"Well then Leroy, it be appearin' that ye've made a friend of our Lillian." Doug chuckled as he continued his cooking.

"Aye, and a friend Lillian be makin' of me. I never be havin' a friend before." He smiled sheepishly as we continued to eat.

We ate quickly and headed back to the deck. A group of 20 men sat in wait.

"You must be Leo's boys." I smiled as they nodded. "Good then we may begin."

"I'll see you later then." Sam excused himself to carry out his own task.

I nodded and turned back to Leo. "We'll need you to be able to climb a cliff from the top of the masts and then climb down the other side where you will use the rooftops for safe passage through the city. We will have certain houses marked- these must be avoided at all costs. They are the homes of the kings loyal followers. If they see the attack coming they'll warn their king and he will flee. Stealth is crucial so I need you all to be as quick as cheetahs and as silent as mice while keeping up a good pace."

Leo nodded and ordered the men to climb up and then back down the mast to test the extent of their abilities.

"Now do it again. Use the ropes only." He instructed as the last of the men returned.

I watched as they struggled to use the ropes. "We'll work on this first. They need to climb those ropes as efficiently as they climb that mast." I stated.

Leo nodded and continued to give the men tricks and tips as they climbed up and down over and over again.

As the day went on, the men improved their skills drastically. Whether it was their ability to learn new things or Leo's guidance I wasn't sure. But I did know that these men would be perfect in their execution by the time their skills would be needed.

Lillian's Mercy: King slayerWhere stories live. Discover now