Chapter Two: Wilt

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What is this place?

Oh my glob, am I finally gonna update?

Bullshit. 😂😂

Disclaimeow: (wow since when did I-) Vocaloid isn't mine.

Len's P.O.V

When the snow falls, and you're in pain.
Do you think that the white color of the cold snow would turn red?
Into a wonderful bed of roses??

I looked outside from the car window. It's snowing. Why would my father take me here in such a weather? I never really wanted to be here to be honest. I was already happy in Japan. But my father brought me here. In London. It's bullshit, really. He brought me here to my grandmother and left my twin sister at Japan, Lucky bitch. I bet she's laughing at me right now. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister, and she loves me too. But sometimes she makes jokes at the very wrong time. Which is very very annoying.

I pressed the button on the car door to open the window. Damn. It's snowing quite hard. I looked down at the fluffy ground covered with snow. I wished they were roses. My mother loves roses. I missed her. No she's not dead. She just... Left us with father. The snow reminds me of my mother and father. The storm of their relationship is so hard, so cold, that it just decided to die down in the end. That's why mother left us. For another man, that is. I never even met that guy nor would I want to.

Are my eyes closed?
If they're open,
will they see that the sky's in the color of blue and not gray.
Or am I inside a cage, so broken?

Broken Family. That's what other people call us. People pitying us because our family is broken. Because my mother left. Because my father never cared for us. Maybe he thought that we're too troublesome that's why he sent one of us away. My own father broke our twin bond. We weren't supposed to be away from each other.

We're like Yin and Yang. Or the VEPPer twins. We can't be separated. Ever. But my father just did it. And i hate him for that.

I always noticed that whenever I looked up the sky, it is always gray. I guess mother earth doesn't like me that much either. It's like my family. I's always gray. So dull, boring. And there's too many people controlling you. Telling you what to do. You feel caged right?? No? Well I do.

Sometimes I think that everyone knows who I am except for me.

Let's dance tonight
To the clock burning every second away,
second away, second away.
The fading light leaves everything in darkness
swallowed and gone, swallowed and gone swallowed and gone.

Time's passing fast. It's like everything that happened was just yesterday. I just wished it never happened. I looked out again. I wish I don't get there fast. I don't wanna be here. I wanna go home.

I smiled bitterly.

What is home?

There are shadows in the closet.
I said when I was just a little girl,
foolish and young, with an innocent tongue outspoken

"Hello, Len!!!"

My grandmother greeted happily with her fluent english. My english sucks. But I manage to anyway.

"Hello, Grandmother." I smiled fakingly and bowed politely (wow so much adverbs, nice job Len).

Hour later.

I wanna go home.

I sat on my kingsized bed and stared out the huge window. Grandmothers house isn't a house. It's a mansion. It's big and pretty. Lots of furnitures and design. But it feels.... Empty.

Are they still there?
If they are gone, will they be waiting and greeting me with warm welcomes and smiles
As I go with them while I'm broken

I just smiled as I was being greeted by grandmother's maids and butlers. I was surprise to find out that my cousins are here. I haven't really met them before. I just met them now. Sophia and Vernon are their names. They're siblings. Sophia is the youngest. And Vernon is the eldest. Sophia is very cheerful. Vernon is cheerful but careful.

I have company. But I cant help but feel... Empty. Really empty.


"You're going to school tomorrow!!"

Huh?! School?! So soon?? But I just got here!

"B-but grandmother, I just got here today. Give me a little rest atleast??"

"Nonsense!! You'll be going to the same school as Vernon and Sophia. And since you and Vernon are the same grades, he'll help you."

I sighed.. I can't do anything now.


I sighed as I put on my headphones. I opened my music player and clicked my favorite song. Wilt by VerseQuence. It's from a game I once played. Voez I think?

I lied down on my bed quietlyas I listen to the last chorus of the song.

Let's dance tonight
To the clock burning every second away, second away, second away.
The fading light
leaves everything in darkness swallowed and gone, swallowed and gone, swallowed and gone.

And that, I drifted off to sleep.

-Chapter 2 End-

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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