This sweet scent

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This is my first story that I wrote here so don't be too harsh on me.
I guess this could be called a prologue.

Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. I found the photo on Pinterest
Yea and English isn't my first language so I apologize beforehand for my grammar.

Karlheinz's (POV)

My last patient just left. "Looks like no one else is in the waiting room". I feel a bit hungry but I don't think there is any decent blood in here. While looking trough the samples of blood I find myself suddenly drop one of them. "What is happening? I think I got distracted by some pheromones, but for them to be this strong!" Someone then knocks on the door. I have to pull myself together to control myself. A woman in her, I think thirties enters. "The scent isn't coming from her. Then where is it coming fro-" Sudenly I notice a small boy holding hands with the woman. "He's the source of the sweet smell!" The woman then starts talking worriedly. "Doctor my son started feeling really nauseous today. He never acted this way before. He even fainted after taking a bath. I know that you aren't a pediatrician but you were the nearest doctor in my neighborhood. Please tell me why is this happening to him!" I grin internally. "Boy come, sit here." He does as I say and I ask. "How old are you and do you have any allergies?" His heart beats too fast. While I measure his pulse his mother answered. "He's twelve and he's only allergic to nuts, but we don't have any at home." She responds worriedly. "Boy-" I say while I get interrupted. "It's (M/n).." The boy muttered quietly. "(M/n) do you feel pain?" He doesn't says anything but he points to his chest. "His heart does beat really fast and then there's the scent of his blood." I remember that I have something to decrease the pain, but I never tried it on a human. "Well, if it kills him, I'll just take his blood." Then I take some pills and water from my cabinet and give them to the boy. "He will be sleepy after taking the pills and since I'm not completely sure what the source of his pain is, I think that you can leave him here for some days. You could come visit him anytime and I could make some research." She looks indecisively but she still agrees. "Humans trust too easily." She then leaves after saying goodbye to her son who is almost asleep. When she leaves I tell him to change clothes. After that he's too tired to communicate so I let him get some rest. "Your kind is so interesting. It's almost amusing to see the expressions your kind makes."

3rd person (POV)

In the morning when (M/n)'s mother came, Karlheinz told her that (M/n), needs an operation as soon as possible. (M/n)'s Mother immediately accepted the operation and let Karlheinz do what he had to do. After the operation Karlheinz told the distressed woman that his child did not survive. The expressions of the woman were quite amusing to Karlheinz when she left heartbroken. He then waited until the boy woke up. After telling him that his mother was too busy to come and visit him, he said that he needed some samples of his blood.

Karlheinz's  (POV)
"He's saying that he is not afraid of needles. Hm let's see if I can change that." After taking his blood I inform him that I will be taking care of him in my mansion. He isn't protesting. Well, why should he, he doesn't know anything yet. Before he fell asleep we talked about a lot of things. He keeps asking me questions about things what doctors do. He is fragile and naive. "I want to crush him."

3rd person (POV)
The next day Karlheinz and (M/n) go to his mansion. When they enter (M/n) notices the lack of presence of people living there. "You live here alone?" The boy asks quietly. "Haha. Of course not my family just isn't actually present." (M/n) nods and they continue walking trough the hallway.

Karlheinz's (POV)
"I can keep him on the second floor in the left wing of the house. Everyone except for me is prohibited to go there and it leads to the tower which isn't in use right now." When I'm showing (M/n) the place he will be staying I inform him that he can't leave the room when I'm not present because my family wouldn't be content with seeing that I bring my work to home. He started looking nervous and shyly asked "I don't want you to have problems with your family. I could stay at your clinic alone.. or visit another doctor." My eyes widen a bit at his statement as I assure him that his stay won't be any problem as long as he obeys me.

(M/n)'s (POV)
I think I'm here almost a month and mom still hasn't come. Every time I ask mr. Sakamaki he tells he that mom has a lot of work so she can't visit me yet. Mr. Sakamaki now takes my blood almost every three days and he started acting a bit weird. I wanna ask him if I can visit mom but I don't know what would I do if he disapproves. Well I have to try at least. "M-mister Sakamaki I... feel a lot better now.. so I think I could go home and see mommy." When I finish my sentence mr. Karlheinz's eyes widen and he states quickly "No no (M/n) you're not fine yet. And I told you didn't I, your mom is too busy with work." His expression is scary and he suddenly approaches me. When he does, I instinctively step back.
"(M-m/n) what are you doing? You aren't scared of me now are you?" His sinister stare observing every one of my moves makes me flinch.

Karlheinz's (POV)
(M/n)'s scared expression makes my senses go wild and I stop controlling myself. Brutally forcing my fangs into his neck, I enjoy every single one drop of his blood.
When he passed out I took him to the room I had prepared for him. "Hmm.. I guess that I should go find some chains."
After leaving him in the tower room I go back to one of my wives. "So annoying."

Heyy thank you for reading this till the end. The Sakamaki brothers will appear in the next chapter and (M/n) will be older so don't worry.
I hope that this chapter made sense and that you liked it! (I think I kinda rushed the plot)
thank you FlawlessRuby so much for your help!!
If you have any tips for me I would really like to hear them and please tell me if I made any mistake in the grammar and I will try to fix it quickly.
(I'm sorry for making an author's note which is so long it's because it's my first chapter. I will make them shorter in the next chapters!!)
Again thanks so much for reading and have a nice day!!

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